SRL-CPP is a Simple Regex Language builder library written in C++11 that provides an easy to use interface for constructing both simple and complex regex expressions.
It also supports capture names.
raw(string) // Add raw Regular Expression to current expression.
oneOf(string) // Literally match one of these characters.
noneOf(string) // Literally match a character that is not one of these characters.
literally(string) // Literally match all of these characters in that order.
digit(int,int) // Match any digit (in given span). Default will be a digit between 0 and 9.
number(int,int) // Match any number (in given span). Default will be a number between 0 and 9.
noDigit() // Match any non-digit character (in given span). Default will be any character not between 0 and 9.
uppercaseLetter(char,char) // Match any uppercase letter (between A to Z).
letter(char,char) // Match any lowercase letter (between a to z).
GROUPS Methods:
anyOf(Closure|Builder|string) // Match any of these conditions.
eitherOf(Closure|Builder|string) // Match any of these conditions.
group(Closure|Builder|string) // Match all of these conditions, but in a non capture group.
and(Closure|Builder|string) // Match all of these conditions, Basically reverts back to the default mode, if coming from anyOf, etc.
ifFollowedBy(Closure|Builder|string) // Positive lookahead. Match the previous condition only if followed by given conditions.
ifNotFollowedBy(Closure|Builder|string) // Negative lookahead. Match the previous condition only if NOT followed by given conditions.
capture(Closure|Builder|string, null|string) // Create capture group of given conditions.
optional(null|Closure|Builder|string) // Make the last or given condition optional.
between(int,int) // Previous match must occur so often.
atLeast(int) // Previous match must occur at least this often.
once() // Previous match must occur exactly once.
twice() // Previous match must occur exactly twice.
exactly(int) // Previous match must occur exactly this often.
lazy() // Match less chars instead of more (lazy).
until(Closure|Builder|string) // Match up to the given condition.
addUniqueModifier(int) // Add a specific unique modifier. This will ignore all modifiers already set.
ECMAScript() // Add ECMA script modifier.
caseInsensitive() // Add case-insensitive modifier.
escape(char) // Escape specific character.
getRawRegex() // Get the raw regular expression string.
getModifiers() // Get the union of all set modifiers.
removeModifier(int) // Remove specific flag.
add(string) // Add condition to the expression query.
get() // Build and return the resulting RegExp object. This will apply all the modifiers.
isValid() // Validate regular expression.
clone() // Clone a new builder object.
isMatchContained(string) // Check if the target string contains any substring that matches the regex pattern.
isExactMatch(string) // Check if the target string matches the pattern completely.
isMatching(string) // Check if the target string matches the pattern completely or partly.
replace(string,string) // Search and replace patterns within a string of text.
getMatch(string) // Get the first substring contained in the target string that matches the regex pattern.
getMatches(string) // Get all matches.
Usage Examples.
The SRL function accepts a Simple Regex Language string as input, and return the builder for the query.
#include "SRL.h"
int main()
Builder query = SRL().literally("colo").optional((string)"u").literally("r").anyOf(
[](Builder& builder) {
[](Builder& builder) {
builder.literally(" is");
[](Builder& builder) {
auto matches = query.getMatches("my favorite colour is green. And my favorite color: yellow.");
bool match_1 = matches[0]["0"];
bool match_2 = matches[1]["0"];
query = SRL("literally \"color:\", whitespace, capture (letter once or more), literally \".\", all");
matches = query.getMatches("my favorite colour is green. And my favorite color: yellow.");
bool match_3 = matches[0]["0"];
bool match_4 = matches[1]["0"];
cout << match_1 == match_3 << ": " << match_1 << endl;
cout << match_2 == match_4 << ": " << match_2 << endl;
query = SRL("begin with capture (letter twice) as \"basename\", must end");
matches = query.getMatches("aa");
cout << matches[0]["basename"] << endl;
// Quite a complex regex expression
query = SRL("begin with literally \"http\", optional \"s\", literally \"://\", optional \"www.\", anything once or more, literally \".com\", must end");
cout << query.isMatching("") << endl;
cout << query.isMatching("") << endl;
cout << query.isMatching("htt://") << endl;
return 0;
Tested Enviroments:
Visual Studio 2015.
Visual Studio 2017.
Unit Tests:
To run the unit tests, you should have [boost library](
installed in your workstation.
For Visual Studio, set environment variable BOOST_ROOT to your boost root folder
(where the binary is).
Also on 64 bit you might need to compile with additional command /bigobj.
You can also check out how to write Rules, see: Test-Rules.
This "Software" is Licensed Under MIT License (MIT)
- 💵 Bitcoin:
Special thanks to Simple Regex for making this library available to port from in the first place.