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A Homemade food ordering application which is developed with the means of providing working people with the option of having home cooked healthy food. It also serves as a platform where home cooks can exhibit their culinary skills and even get employment opportunities. It is developed using React Native making it a cross platform mobile application which is applicable to both Android and IOS devices.

Context and goal

I have done this application for a final year project and wanted to try to do a mobile app in using web technologies. I am familiar with. Having none mobile background, it was a leap in the dark but in the same time it was really exciting.

This app is made to be simple and may help people knowing React & Redux to get into creating mobile apps. It's made with React Native, coupled with some extra nice packages to handle routing, dataflow and UI elements.


app screenshot

Main technologies used

A framework for building native apps with React.

Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps.

Running the project

  • Clone this project
git clone < project-url.git >
  • Install NodeJS on your computer.

  • Install yarn on your computer

    Yarn is a dependency manager built by facebook and google. It is a more efficient and reliable (thanks to yarn.lock) alternative of npm.

  • Launch yarn command in a terminal opened in the project folder.

    This command will look into the package.json file and install all the dependencies listed here.

  • Install react-native-cli globally on your computer

yarn global add react-native-cli

Android steps

If you have never installed any android virtual device, follow those instructions

  • Then, run the project in executing on your project folder:
react-native run-android


Note: Each time you pull commits from others, run the yarn command to install dependencies that may have been introduced.

react-native is not recognized as an internal or external command

  • If your terminal is telling you react-native is not known, try to install it globally with npm: npm install -g react-native-cli and re-run the above command.

'adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command

If you have a build error with this message on Windows, it means that you must add the Android sdk platform tools to your environment PATH.

How to add an environment variable on your computer.

My value on windows: C:\Users\Manuel\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools

failed to find target with hash string 'android-23'

React Native needs this to be installed in order to work, and the default target installed by Android Studio is the 24th. To solve this issue, open android studio and click on SDK Manager Icon:

SDK Manager

Then click on the line with API Level of value 23 and apply.

Install API 23 Instructions

failed to find Build Tools revision XX.X.X

It seems you are missing the build tools at specific revision XX.X.X, so you need to install them. Go to Android Studio SDK Settings (see images above) and click on the SDK Tools snippet.

Then, click on Show Package Details and look for Android SDK Build Tools XX.X.X. Then check if it is installed. If not, install it and this issue should be solved then.

SDK Manager Standalone

Execution failed for task ':app:dexDebug'

Go into the android project's folder in your terminal and run


gradlew clean

Linux & Mac

./gradlew clean

Then delete the build folder, go back to the project's root folder and try again, this error should be solved.

Note: If it doesn't work as expected, try checking you have not forgotten any of the steps above. If not, please open an issue and describe your problem.