Tinder for sharing online streaming services!
SubCrowd is an Android application for sharing online streaming services. It has a Tinder like UI of swiping cards to match you with someone to wants to exchange Netflix, Hulu or any other streaming service. With people you match, you can chat and find out if you want to proceed further.
The app is live at Google Play Store: SubCrowd
SubCrowd uses Firebase for storage and authentication. Add your project there and drop the google_services.json file in the main folder to use the firebase services.
SubCrowd uses OneSignal for Notifications. Add your project there and drop the App ID in your build.gradle (app level) where 'onesignal_app_id' is mentioned. Refer the guide: Adding OneSignal to your App
Bottom Card View: https://github.com/ittianyu/BottomNavigationViewEx
SimCoder TinderClone: https://github.com/SimCoderYoutube/TinderClone