#CBSearchOrCreate ####Useful combined search & creation solution
CBSearchOrCreate is a result of a recent design trend I'm trying to promote called "Multipurpose" - the idea of single objects capable of doing multiple tasks - to further simplify interfaces & shrink the amount of buttons, toolbars & menus is a user interface.
~ More controls will follow.
As seen in many CodeBuffet products
iOS 6 & 7 compatible
Automatically adapts the native style
Easily customizable via the interface builder files
Works on iPad and iPhone
Works with any sort of objects thanks to the easy singular callback system
Free ;)
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/peterwilli/CBSearchOrCreate.git
Copy the library/CBSearchOrCreate/ folder to your project or run the example by opening the workspace
Make sure you have the dependencies (easily installable via CocoaPods)
In podfile:
pod "OHAttributedLabel"
The easiest way to open a search or create view is like this:
NSMutableArray *demoItems = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:@[@"wayser.com", @"codebuffet.co", @"54limited.com", @"yamm.ca"]]; // This code is for both iPad and iPhone CBSearchOrCreateViewController *vc = [CBSearchOrCreateViewController viewController]; [vc setItemsForSearchText:^NSArray *(NSString *text) { if (text.length == 0) { return demoItems; } return [demoItems filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF contains[c] %@", text]]; }]; [vc setUserCreatedItemWithText:^(NSString *text) { [demoItems addObject:text]; }]; [vc setUserSelectedItem:^(NSString *item) { [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://%@", item]]]; }]; vc.itemType = @"Awesome Site"; [vc reloadData]; [vc presentSearchOrCreateViewControllerFromRect:sender.frame andParentVC:self];