The Business Operating System
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- http://thebusinessoperatingsystem.com
Lightweight MVC library for building JavaScript applications
Salesforce Lightning Design System
An async control-flow library that makes stepping through logic easy.
Just another Medium wysiwyg editor clone
Integration of Jasmine Spec framework with Node.js
A "DocumentClient" for the Amazon Aurora Serverless Data API
An AJAX wrapper for the Parse.com REST API
Core engine for building motion detection web apps.
Drag and drop plugin for jQuery with transparent support for mouse and touch. View demo:
A Node.js wrapper for Facebook authentication and API
Firmador NodeJS usando XADES-EPES para facturas electronicas Hacienda Costa Rica
Node.js wrapper for the Salesforce REST API leverging express and the OAuth 2.0 packages.
An introduction to a Rails 3.1 Application with MongoDB and Spine.js MVC Framework
The base proyecto to start working with this tecnologies.
Opf Basic Sample of Twitter Bootstrap and SpineJS
Producto Bar Demo and Code for OPF Training Session 1