I'm working with backend and desktop applications, and sometimes with some frontend and mobile apps.
I've been learning and working with .NET for more than 6 years. I have been writing all sorts of apps with .NET including ASP.NET Core web APIs and web apps, Blazor, Desktop WPF and Windows Forms, Console and CLI apps, Worker Service, gRPC, xUnit.
I have worked with Go for about 2 years.
These are some of the platforms and tools I've been working with: Azure, AKS, App Service, Azure Functions, CosmosDB, Azure DevOps, App Center, Docker, Linux, Windows.
At work I have also contributed to projects in different programming languages and frameworks, such as JavaScript, TypeScript, AngularJS, Angular, Node.js, Java. As for databases, I have mainly worked with Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgresSQL, Cosmos DB / MongoDB.
And here's a few other things I haven't used for work yet but like to learn and use in personal projects: