There are a some things to be checked before you can use Ra for a tournament game. Make sure to check them for each competition seperatly, in case some of the parameters have changed. These checks should be done during setup days.
Ra uses the team name for deciding which team we are for the tournament mode.
Check ra/mainwindow.h TEAM_NAME
to be exactly your team name (as used by the game controller)
To import the ball model and damping parameters that are broadcasted by the vision, use the "Field Parameters" widget in Ra. The world state above the button should be "Real Field", if its simulator you are importing the values from the simulator config instead. After importing them you can fine adjust the values.
During the RoboCup, each team gets assigned a number of frequencies to use.
The frequencies should be input into firmware-interface/radiocommand.h
Each transceiver and every robot should be flashed with these frequencies and the correct channel should be selected in Ra.
Ra detects divisions based on the geometry of the field. Make sure config/division-dimensions.txt is updated with the correct field sizes for division A and B
TODO: I have no idea. Apearantly it does something, but we don't know where to insert it
In the ra configuration dialog choose the correct ports for the tournament You'll get the correct value from the OC.
Figure out how fast each opponent team can drive and put that into base/accelerations.ts