[EDIT THIS: You can put badges to the README using shields.io. Explain the repository's purpose shortly.]
robolaunch Template helps organization members to have a generic project template before opening a repository. Use this repository as a template for the new robolaunch Organization repository and specialize it according to project's needs.
[EDIT THIS: Add your headers to table of contents.]
[EDIT THIS: Give more insight about the project. Provide a feature list.]
The aim of this project is to maintain a generic template for robolaunch projects. Members of robolaunch organization can fork this repository and start developing their projects following conventions such as:
- Following a code of conduct
- Having a contributing guide
- Having a style guide
- Applying Apache 2.0 license
- Having a README template
- Having issue & pull request templates
- Using worklows for testing & build
[EDIT THIS: Explain how starters can try the project's functionality.]
After using this project as template, you can:
- Update generic fields at README, specialize it to the project
- Create first release to stage new features
- Add custom workflows for CI/CD
- Specialize issue & PR templates if needed
[EDIT THIS: Add roadmap items for the project.]
- Extending the open source conventions
- Enforcing conventional commit messages
Please see this guide if you want to contribute.