AI and distributed computing researcher, in agriculture and environmental sciences.
Wageningen Environmental Research
- The Netherlands
written in Scala
Clear filter
ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for async and concurrent programming in Scala
Rapid development of self-documenting APIs
Cask: a Scala HTTP micro-framework. Cask makes it easy to set up a website, backend server, or REST API using Scala
Scala client for OpenAI API and other major LLM providers
Cats Actors framework for building apps which are reactive. Cats actors uses a conceptual actor model as a higher level abstraction for concurrency.
GeoJSON object, spray-json formats, and basic Geo/Geometry
vbmacher / spark-lp
Forked from ehsanmok/spark-lpDistributed Linear Programming Solver on top of Apache Spark
Repo for Building ZIO Web App Medium Article