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Everett is a Python configuration library for your app.

License:MPL v2


This library tries to do configuration with minimal "fanciness".

Configuration with Everett:

  • is composeable and flexible
  • makes it easier to provide helpful error messages for users trying to configure your software
  • supports auto-documentation of configuration with a Sphinx autocomponent directive
  • supports easy testing with configuration override
  • can pull configuration from a variety of specified sources (environment, ini files, dict, write-your-own)
  • supports parsing values (bool, int, lists of things, classes, write-your-own)
  • supports key namespaces
  • supports component architectures
  • works with whatever you're writing--command line tools, web sites, system daemons, etc

Everett is inspired by python-decouple and configman.

Why not other libs?

Most other libraries I looked at had one or more of the following issues:

  • were tied to a specific web app framework
  • didn't allow you to specify configuration sources
  • provided poor error messages when users configure things wrong
  • had a global configuration object
  • made it really hard to override specific configuration when writing tests
  • had no facilities for auto-generating configuration documentation

Quick start

Fast start example

You have an app and want it to look for configuration in an .env file then the environment. You can do this:

from everett.manager import ConfigManager

config = ConfigManager.basic_config()

Then you can use it like this:

debug_mode = config('debug', parser=bool)

When you outgrow that or need different variations of it, you can change that to creating a ConfigManager from scratch.

More control example

We have an app and want to pull configuration from an INI file stored in a place specified by MYAPP_INI in the environment, ~/.myapp.ini, or /etc/myapp.ini in that order.

We want to pull infrastructure values from the environment.

Values from the environment should override values from the INI file.

First, we set up our ConfigManager:

import os
import sys

from everett.manager import ConfigManager, ConfigOSEnv, ConfigIniEnv

def get_config():
    return ConfigManager(
        # Specify one or more configuration environments in
        # the order they should be checked
            # Looks in OS environment first

            # Looks in INI files in order specified

        # Make it easy for users to find your configuration
        # docs
        doc='Check for docs.'

Then we use it:

def is_debug(config):
    return config('debug', parser=bool,
        doc='Switch debug mode on and off.')

def main(args):
    config = get_config()

    if is_debug(config):
        print('DEBUG MODE ON!')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Let's write some tests that verify behavior based on the debug configuration value:

from myapp import get_config, is_debug

from everett.manager import config_override

def test_debug_true():
    assert is_debug(get_config()) is True

def test_debug_false():
    assert is_debug(get_config()) is False

If the user sets DEBUG wrong, they get a helpful error message with the documentation for the configuration option and the ConfigManager:

$ DEBUG=foo python
namespace=None key=debug requires a value parseable by bool
Switch debug mode on and off.
Check for docs.

What can you use Everett with

Everett works with frameworks that have configuration infrastructure like Django and Flask.

Everett works with non-web things like scripts and servers and other things.

Everett components

Everett supports components. Say your app needs to connect to RabbitMQ. With Everett, you can wrap the configuration up with the component:

from everett.component import RequiredConfigMixin, ConfigOptions

class RabbitMQComponent(RequiredConfigMixin):
    required_config = ConfigOptions()
        doc='RabbitMQ host to connect to'
        doc='Port to use',
        doc='Queue to insert things into'

    def __init__(self, config):
        # Bind the configuration to just the configuration this
        # component requires such that this component is
        # self-contained.
        self.config = config.with_options(self) = self.config('host')
        self.port = self.config('port')
        self.queue_name = self.config('queue_name')

Then instantiate a RabbitMQComponent, but with configuration in the rmq namespace:

queue = RabbitMQComponent(config.with_namespace('rmq'))

In your environment, you would provide RMQ_HOST, etc for this component.

You can auto-generate configuration documentation for this component in your Sphinx docs by including the everett.sphinxext Sphinx extension and using the autocomponent directive:

.. autocomponent::

Say your app actually needs to connect to two separate queues--one for regular processing and one for priority processing:

regular_queue = RabbitMQComponent(
priority_queue = RabbitMQComponent(

In your environment, you provide the regular queue configuration with RMQ_REGULAR_HOST, etc and the priority queue configuration with RMQ_PRIORITY_HOST, etc.

Same component code. Two different instances pulling configuration from two different namespaces.

Components support subclassing, mixins and all that, too.


Install from PyPI


$ pip install everett

Install for hacking


# Clone the repository
$ git clone

# Create a virtualenvironment

# Install Everett and dev requirements
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt