Command Line tool for uploading snippets to GitHub Gist
Pet project where I hope to add a new feature or improve existing functionality on a weekly basis! Sure it's only a bit of craic!
npm install -g gist-hub
## Commands
gist init ## Configure the application with username and password
gist reset ## Reset the application configuration
gist view ## View user gists with ability to delete
gist <path-to-file> ## Create new Gist
## Options
-p is gist private <Boolean>
-d custom description <String>
-r id of gist to be deleted
## Example
gist myAwesomeFile.js -p true -d "my custom description"
## Delete a Gist
gist -u myusername -d gistId
- Updated view of gists
- ES6 - Babel - lint -
- Nothin' much else other than a lot of refactoring!
Always welcome new contributors! Fork -> create a branch - run the linter (npm run lint
) and submit a pull request!