STATUS: 🚧 Work in progress.
USAGE RIGHTS: None granted; until a license is added, all rights are reserved.
Node.js CLIs Made Easy
- Arguments and options parsing powered by Node.js's parseArgs util
- Powerful arguments and options validation powered by ArkType
- Nested sub-commands
- Auto-generated usage and help
- Commands easily testable
// 1. Create a cli.ts file.
// 2. Import modules.
import {
} from "TBD";
// 3. Define your commands.
const cli = defineCommand({
name: "calculator",
description: "a simple calculator",
subCommands: [
name: "add",
description: "add number a to number b",
args: {
a: {
description: "number a",
type: "number",
b: {
description: "number b",
type: "number",
options: {
print: {
description: "print the equation",
type: "boolean|undefined",
short: 'p'
run({ args, options }) {
const result = args.a + args.b;
if (options.print) {
console.log(`${args.a} + ${args.b} = ${result}`)
return result;
name: "sub",
description: "subtract number b from number a",
args: {
a: {
description: "number a",
type: "number",
b: {
description: "number b",
type: "number",
run({ args }) {
return args.a - args.b;
// 4. Call runCommand to process arguments and options.
const result = await runCommand(cli);
// 5. Process result.
// if cli was called with --help or -h
if (isHelpResult(result)) {
// use provided formatter to print help
// or, provide your own formatter
// if cli was called with --version or -help
else if (isVersionResult(result)) {
// if errors occured during the execution of the command
else if (isErrorResult(result)) {
// otherwise, we can print the result of the command
else {
// 6. Run your cli (e.g.: using tsx)
// display general help: tsx cli.ts -h
// display command specific help: tsx cli.ts add -h
// display version: tsx cli.ts -v
// call "add" command: tsx cli.ts add 4 2
// call "add" command: tsx cli.ts add 4 2 -p
// call "add" command: tsx cli.ts add 4 2 --print