- Romeo Permentier
- Nick Braeckman
Implement a simple chat-system with following features:
- Server: is responsible for communication between users and keeps track of online users.
- Client: asks a username on startup. (Duplicate usernames are forbidden and therefore blocked)
- Private chat: chatting with someone who is online in the room must be possible.
- send private messages to 1 person at a time
- reading all the private messages, coming from all private users
- show received private messages after reopening the chat system
- click on a username to open the private chat and send messages to that user
- choose a username and chat server
Download the jar's
Execute the jar's in the following order:
java -jar Server.jar <portnumber>
java -jar Client.jar
Clone project from github
Import project
- Project JDK: 1.8.0_241
- Project Language Level: 8
Setup 2 modules:
- Client Module
- Server Module
Run configurations:
- Program arguments Server:
- Program arguments Server: