Yelp Dataset Multi-label Classification shows star rating predictions on the business review count, total number of checkins, state and city where business is located. The app utilizes the Yelp Dataset for all businesses which includes over 1.2 million business attributes like hours, parking, availability, and ambience. Moreover, aggregated check-ins over time for each of the 156,000 businesses is also provided in different JSON files in the dataset.
Time spent: 50-60 hours spent in total
Raghav Nyati - 819724367 - Kimaya Desai - 820884799 -
The following models are studied:
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
Link to our presentation:
The various challenges that we realized with the YELP dataset are: I. The YELP dataset is huge. It contains data of around 5 million reviews, 156,000 businesses. The dataset consists of 5 JSON files with over 1.2 million business attributes. The size of raw data ~5.5GB. II. The biggest drawbacks of the huge dataset is time taken for processing and taking in account irrelevant information and thereby wasting the resources. III. It is tricky to find the correlation between these attributes and analyzing the contributing factors.
scikit-learn - python library for machine learning algorithms
pandas - data Structure and data analysis tools for Python
seaborn - visualization library based on matplotlib
numpy - fundamental package for scientific computing with Python
matplotlib - for visualization generating 2D images or graphical user interface toolkit
spark-mllib - Spark's machine learning library
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