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532 lines (448 loc) · 17.2 KB


Header only c++ network library, based on asio,support tcp,udp,http,websocket,rpc,ssl,icmp,serial_port.

  • header only, do not rely on the Boost library;
  • Support tcp, udp, http, websocket, rpc, ssl, icmp, serial_port;
  • Support reliable udp (based on KCP), support SSL, support loading SSL certificates from memory strings;
  • TCP supports data unpacking (character or string or user defined protocol), and implements the datagram mode of TCP (similar to WEBSOCKET);
  • Support windows, linux, 32 bits, 64 bits;Compiled under msvc (vs2017 vs2019) gcc8 clang10;
  • Dependence on C++ 17,dependence on asio (asio standalone).
  • The example directory contains a large number of sample projects (projects based on VS2017 creation), and a variety of use methods refer to the sample code.

v2.6 big update:

  • Remove the dependence on the Boost library completely. Before using http and websocket, you need to rely on the boost library. Now all functionalitys do not need boost;
  • RPC component adds chain call capabilitie. When calling RPC function in previous version, the "user callback function, timeout duration, RPC function name and RPC function parameter" are all written inner the same function, so it is easy to get confused. Now, support chain calls can avoid this problem.
  • Rewriting the HTTP interface, the HTTP interface is more simple and easy to use;


asio2::tcp_server server;
server.bind_recv([&server](std::shared_ptr<asio2::tcp_session> & session_ptr, std::string_view s)

	printf("recv : %u %.*s\n", (unsigned)s.size(), (int)s.size(),;
	session_ptr->send(s, [](std::size_t bytes_sent) {});
}).bind_connect([&server](auto & session_ptr)
	printf("client enter : %s %u %s %u\n",
		session_ptr->remote_address().c_str(), session_ptr->remote_port(),
		session_ptr->local_address().c_str(), session_ptr->local_port());
}).bind_disconnect([&server](auto & session_ptr)
	printf("client leave : %s %u %s\n",
		session_ptr->remote_port(), asio2::last_error_msg().c_str());
server.start("", 8080);

// Automatic unpacking by \n (arbitrary characters can be specified)
//server.start("", 8080, '\n');

// Automatic unpacking by \r\n (arbitrary string can be specified)
//server.start("", 8080, "\r\n"); 

// Automatic unpacking according to the rules specified by match_role
// (see demo code for match_role) (for user-defined protocol unpacking)
//server.start("", 8080, match_role('#')); 

// Receive a fixed 100 bytes at a time
//server.start("", 8080, asio::transfer_exactly(100)); 

// TCP in datagram mode, no matter how long the data is sent, the whole 
// package data of the corresponding length must be received by both sides.
//server.start("", 8080, asio2::use_dgram); 
asio2::tcp_client client;

// The client will automatically reconnect when it disconnects
// [ default reconnect option is "enable" ]

// disable auto reconnect

// enable auto reconnect and use the default delay

// enable auto reconnect and use custom delay
client.auto_reconnect(true, std::chrono::seconds(3));

client.bind_connect([&](asio::error_code ec)
	if (asio2::get_last_error())
		printf("connect failure : %d %s\n", asio2::last_error_val(), asio2::last_error_msg().c_str());
		printf("connect success : %s %u\n", client.local_address().c_str(), client.local_port());

}).bind_disconnect([](asio::error_code ec)
	printf("disconnect : %d %s\n", asio2::last_error_val(), asio2::last_error_msg().c_str());
}).bind_recv([&](std::string_view sv)
	printf("recv : %u %.*s\n", (unsigned)sv.size(), (int)sv.size(),;

	//// Binding global functions
	//// Binding member functions (see demo code for details)
	//.bind_recv(std::bind(&listener::on_recv, &lis, std::placeholders::_1))
	//// Bind member functions by reference to lis object (see demo code for details)
	//.bind_recv(&listener::on_recv, lis) 
	//// Bind member functions by pointers to lis object (see demo code for details)
	//.bind_recv(&listener::on_recv, &lis) 
// Asynchronous connection to server
client.async_start("", 8080); 

// Synchronized connection to server
//client.start("", 8080); 

//client.async_start("", 8080, '\n');
//client.async_start("", 8080, "\r\n");
//client.async_start("", 8080, match_role);
//client.async_start("", 8080, asio::transfer_exactly(100));
//client.start("", 8080, asio2::use_dgram);


asio2::udp_server server;
// ... Binding listener (see demo code)
server.start("", 8080); // general UDP
//server.start("", 8080, asio2::use_kcp); // Reliable UDP
asio2::udp_client client;
// ... Binding listener (see demo code)
client.start("", 8080);
//client.async_start("", 8080, asio2::use_kcp); // Reliable UDP


// If you want to know which client called this function, set the first parameter
// to std::shared_ptr<asio2::rpc_session>& session_ptr, If you don't want to,keep 
// it empty is ok.
int add(std::shared_ptr<asio2::rpc_session>& session_ptr, int a, int b)
	return a + b;

// Specify the "max recv buffer size" to avoid malicious packets, if some client
// sent data packets size is too long to the "max recv buffer size", then the
// client will be disconnect automatic .
asio2::rpc_server server(
	512,  // the initialize recv buffer size : 
	1024, // the max recv buffer size :
	4     // the thread count : 

// ... Binding listener (see demo code)

A a; // For the definition of A, see the demo code

// Binding RPC global functions
server.bind("add", add);

// Binding RPC member functions
server.bind("mul", &A::mul, a);

// Binding lambda
server.bind("cat", [&](const std::string& a, const std::string& b) { return a + b; });

// Binding member functions (by reference)
server.bind("get_user", &A::get_user, a);

// Binding member functions (by pointer)
server.bind("del_user", &A::del_user, &a);

server.start("", 8080);
asio2::rpc_client client;
// ... Binding listener (see demo code)
client.start("", 8080);
asio::error_code ec;
// Synchronized invoke RPC functions
int sum =<int>(ec, std::chrono::seconds(3), "add", 11, 2);
printf("sum : %d err : %d %s\n", sum, ec.value(), ec.message().c_str());
// Asynchronous invocation of RPC function, the first parameter is the callback function,
// when the call is completed or timeout, the callback function automatically called, if
// timeout or other errors, error codes are stored in ec.
client.async_call([](asio::error_code ec, int v)
	printf("sum : %d err : %d %s\n", v, ec.value(), ec.message().c_str());
}, "add", 10, 20);

// Result value is user-defined data type (see demo code for the definition of user type)
user u =<user>(ec, "get_user");
printf("%s %d ",, u.age);
for (auto &[k, v] : u.purview)
	printf("%d %s ", k, v.c_str());
printf("\n"); = "hanmeimei";
u.age = ((int)time(nullptr)) % 100;
u.purview = { {10,"get"},{20,"set"} };
// If the result value of the RPC function is void, then the user callback 
// function has only one parameter.
client.async_call([](asio::error_code ec)
}, "del_user", std::move(u));
// just call rpc function, don't need result
client.async_call("del_user", std::move(u));


struct aop_log
	bool before(http::request& req, http::response& rep)
		printf("aop_log before %s\n", req.method_string().data());
		return true;
	bool after(std::shared_ptr<asio2::http_session>& session_ptr,
		http::request& req, http::response& rep)
		asio2::detail::ignore_unused(session_ptr, req, rep);
		printf("aop_log after\n");
		return true;

struct aop_check
	bool before(std::shared_ptr<asio2::http_session>& session_ptr,
		http::request& req, http::response& rep)
		asio2::detail::ignore_unused(session_ptr, req, rep);
		printf("aop_check before\n");
		return true;
	bool after(http::request& req, http::response& rep)
		asio2::detail::ignore_unused(req, rep);
		printf("aop_check after\n");
		return true;

asio2::http_server server;

server.bind_recv([&](http::request& req, http::response& rep)
	std::cout << req.path() << std::endl;
	std::cout << req.query() << std::endl;

}).bind_connect([](auto & session_ptr)
	printf("client enter : %s %u %s %u\n",
	session_ptr->remote_address().c_str(), session_ptr->remote_port(),
		session_ptr->local_address().c_str(), session_ptr->local_port());
}).bind_disconnect([](auto & session_ptr)
	printf("client leave : %s %u %s\n", session_ptr->remote_address().c_str(),
		session_ptr->remote_port(), asio2::last_error_msg().c_str());
}).bind_start([&](asio::error_code ec)
	printf("start http server : %s %u %d %s\n",
	server.listen_address().c_str(), server.listen_port(),
		ec.value(), ec.message().c_str());
}).bind_stop([&](asio::error_code ec)
	printf("stop : %d %s\n", ec.value(), ec.message().c_str());

server.bind<http::verb::get, http::verb::post>("/index.*",
 [](http::request& req, http::response& rep)

}, aop_log{});

	[](std::shared_ptr<asio2::http_session>& session_ptr,
		http::request& req, http::response& rep)
	printf("del_user ip : %s\n", session_ptr->remote_address().data());

	rep.fill_page(http::status::ok, "del_user successed.");

}, aop_check{});

server.bind<http::verb::get>("/api/user/*", [](http::request& req, http::response& rep)
	rep.fill_text("the user name is hanmeimei, .....");

}, aop_log{}, aop_check{});

server.bind<http::verb::get>("/defer", [](http::request& req, http::response& rep)
	// use defer to make the reponse not send immediately, util the derfer shared_ptr
	// is destroyed, then the response will be sent.
	std::shared_ptr<http::response_defer> rep_defer = rep.defer();

	std::thread([rep_defer, &rep]() mutable

		asio::error_code ec;
		auto newrep = asio2::http_client::execute("", ec);

		rep = std::move(newrep);


}, aop_log{}, aop_check{});

server.bind("/ws", websocket::listener<asio2::http_session>{}.
	on("message", [](std::shared_ptr<asio2::http_session>& session_ptr, std::string_view data)
	printf("ws msg : %u %.*s\n", (unsigned)data.size(), (int)data.size(),;


}).on("open", [](std::shared_ptr<asio2::http_session>& session_ptr)
	printf("ws open\n");

	// print the websocket request header.
	std::cout << session_ptr->request() << std::endl;

	// how to set custom websocket response data : 
		[](websocket::response_type& rep)
		rep.set(http::field::authorization, " http-server-coro");

}).on("close", [](std::shared_ptr<asio2::http_session>& session_ptr)
	printf("ws close\n");


server.bind_not_found([](http::request& req, http::response& rep)

server.start(host, port);
asio2::error_code ec;

auto req1 = http::make_request("");
auto rep1 = asio2::http_client::execute("", ec);
if (ec)
	std::cout << ec.message() << std::endl;
	std::cout << rep1 << std::endl;

auto req2 = http::make_request("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n");
auto rep2 = asio2::http_client::execute("", "80", req2, std::chrono::seconds(3), ec);
if (ec)
	std::cout << ec.message() << std::endl;
	std::cout << rep2 << std::endl;

auto path = asio2::http::url_to_path("/get_user?name=abc");
std::cout << path << std::endl;

auto query = asio2::http::url_to_query("/get_user?name=abc");
std::cout << query << std::endl;

std::cout << std::endl;

auto rep3 = asio2::http_client::execute("", "80", "/api/get_user?name=abc", ec);
if (ec)
	std::cout << ec.message() << std::endl;
	std::cout << rep3 << std::endl;

std::string en = http::url_encode(R"({"qeury":"name like '%abc%'","id":1})");
std::cout << en << std::endl;
std::string de = http::url_decode(en);
std::cout << de << std::endl;


asio2::ping ping;
	.bind_recv([](asio2::icmp_rep& rep)
	if (rep.is_timeout())
		std::cout << "request timed out" << std::endl;
		std::cout << rep.total_length() - rep.header_length()
		<< " bytes from " << rep.source_address()
		<< ": icmp_seq=" << rep.sequence_number()
		<< ", ttl=" << rep.time_to_live()
		<< ", time=" << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(rep.lag).count() << "ms"
		<< std::endl;
asio::error_code ec;
std::cout << asio2::ping::execute("", std::chrono::seconds(3), "icmp body string", ec).milliseconds() << std::endl;
std::cout << asio2::ping::execute("").milliseconds() << std::endl;
std::cout << asio2::ping::execute("", std::chrono::seconds(3)).milliseconds() << std::endl;
std::cout << asio2::ping::execute("", std::chrono::seconds(3), ec).milliseconds() << std::endl;
std::cout << asio2::ping::execute("", ec).milliseconds() << std::endl;


TCP/HTTP/WEBSOCKET all support SSL(config.hpp uncomment #define ASIO2_USE_SSL)
asio2::tcps_server server;
// server set_verify_mode :
//   "verify_peer", ca_cert_buffer can be empty.
//      Whether the client has a certificate or not is ok.
//   "verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert", ca_cert_buffer can be empty.
//      Whether the client has a certificate or not is ok.
//   "verify_peer | verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert", ca_cert_buffer cannot be empty.
//      Client must use certificate, otherwise handshake will be failed.
// client set_verify_mode :
//   "verify_peer", ca_cert_buffer cannot be empty.
//   "verify_none", ca_cert_buffer can be empty.
server.set_verify_mode(asio::ssl::verify_peer | asio::ssl::verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert);
server.set_cert_buffer(ca_crt, server_crt, server_key, "server"); // use memory string for cert
server.set_cert_file("ca.crt", "server.crt", "server.key", "server"); // use file for cert
// >> openssl create your certificates and sign them
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// // 1. Generate Server private key
// openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024
// // 2. Generate Server Certificate Signing Request(CSR)
// openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr -config openssl.cnf
// // 3. Generate Client private key
// openssl genrsa -des3 -out client.key 1024
// // 4. Generate Client Certificate Signing Request(CSR)
// openssl req -new -key client.key -out client.csr -config openssl.cnf
// // 5. Generate CA private key
// openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 2048
// // 6. Generate CA Certificate file
// openssl req -new -x509 -key ca.key -out ca.crt -days 3650 -config openssl.cnf
// // 7. Generate Server Certificate file
// openssl ca -in server.csr -out server.crt -cert ca.crt -keyfile ca.key -config openssl.cnf
// // 8. Generate Client Certificate file
// openssl ca -in client.csr -out client.crt -cert ca.crt -keyfile ca.key -config openssl.cnf
// // 9. Generate dhparam file
// openssl dhparam -out dh1024.pem 1024

serial port:

std::string_view device = "COM1"; // for windows
//std::string_view device = "/dev/ttyS0"; // for linux
std::string_view baud_rate = "9600";

asio2::scp sp;

	// Set other serial port parameters at here

}).bind_recv([&](std::string_view sv)
	printf("recv : %u %.*s\n", (unsigned)sv.size(), (int)sv.size(),;

	std::string s;
	uint8_t len = uint8_t(10 + (std::rand() % 20));
	s += '<';
	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
		s += (char)((std::rand() % 26) + 'a');
	s += '>';

	sp.send(s, []() {});


//sp.start(device, baud_rate);
sp.start(device, baud_rate, '>');
//sp.start(device, baud_rate, "\r\n");
//sp.start(device, baud_rate, match_role);
//sp.start(device, baud_rate, asio::transfer_at_least(1));
//sp.start(device, baud_rate, asio::transfer_exactly(10));
asio2::timer timer;
timer.start_timer(1, std::chrono::seconds(1), [&]()
	printf("timer 1\n");
	if (true)
Manually triggered events
asio2::tcp_client client;

// Post an asynchronous event that is never executed unless it is manually triggered
std::shared_ptr<asio2::async_event> event_ptr = client.post_event([]()
	// do something.

client.bind_recv([&](std::string_view data)
	// For example, to achieve a certain condition
	if (data == "some_condition")
		// Trigger the event to start execution