The git contains the source code associated with the final project of the course Machine Learning and Deep Learning - 01TXFSM. This code contains different approaches to the first person activity recognition task.
The work is based on the EgoRNN and LSTA architectures, that are further enhanced with the use of a Self-Supervised Motion Segmentation task following the method proposed in the paper of Planamente et. al.
- Python 3.5 o
- Pytorch 1.7.0
python --dataset gtea_61 --stage 1 --trainDatasetDir ./dataset/gtea_61/split2/train --outDir experiments --seqLen 25 --trainBatchSize 32 --numEpochs 300 --lr 1e-3 --stepSize 25 75 150 --decayRate 0.1 --memSize 512
python --dataset gtea61 --stage 2 --trainDatasetDir ./dataset/gtea_61/split2/train --outDir experiments --stage1Dict best_model_state_dict.pth --seqLen 25 --trainBatchSize 32 --numEpochs 150 --lr 1e-4 --stepSize 25 75 --decayRate 0.1 --memSize 512
python --dataset gtea61 --trainDatasetDir ./dataset/gtea_61/split2/train --outDir experiments --stackSize 5 --trainBatchSize 32 --numEpochs 750 --lr 1e-2 --stepSize 150 300 500 --decayRate 0.5
python --dataset gtea61 --flowModel ./models/best_model_state_dict_flow_split2.pth --rgbModel ./models/best_model_state_dict_rgb_split2.pth --trainDatasetDir ./dataset/gtea_61/split2/train --outDir experiments --seqLen 25 --stackSize 5 --trainBatchSize 32 --numEpochs 250 --lr 1e-2 --stepSize 1 --decayRate 0.99 --memSize 512
python ego-rnn/ --stage 2 --trainDatasetDir ./dataset/gtea_61/split2/train --outDir ./drive/MyDrive/MS_Task_1/frame_16_E --stage1Dict ./drive/MyDrive/rgb_16/stage1/model_rgb_state_dict.pth --seqLen 16 --trainBatchSize 32 --numEpochs 150 --lr 1e-4 --stepSize 50 100 --decayRate 0.1 --memSize 512 --regression