Apr 23, 2021 | 1p EST | 5p UTC
- R-Ladies East Lansing | <rladies-eastlansing.github.io> | @RLadiesELansing
- R-Ladies Chicago | <rladies-chicago.github.io> | @RLadiesChicago
Andrea will present her package, sambaR. sambaR is a simple R package that downloads song lyrics from the Genius database and translates them into the language of your choice using functions from packages genius and googleLanguageR. It has a built-in shiny app and saves results to a disk. It was written to show sambas to our English and Spanish-speaking friends, and a way to practice package writing and shiny, and to learn about APIs.
“Have you ever wanted to know - and celebrate - when your scripts are finally done running in R? Have you ever been so proud of pulling off a tricky bit of code that you wanted Flavor Flav to yell "yeaaahhhh, boi!!" as soon as it successfully completes? Have you ever gotten an error message that felt like DJ Khaled yelling, "They don't wanna see us win!" Probably not, but you might now. And with BRRR, you can.”
Map art makes beautiful posters. You can find them all over the internet and buy them even framed for your favorite city, area or country. In this tutorial, inspired by Esteban Moro’s “Personal Art Map with R”, you’ll learn how to create those street maps for your city.
Sneha will present the chess package. chess is a wrapper for R around python-chess, an amazing library created by Niklas Fiekas. It allows users to read and write PGN files as well as create and explore game trees such as the ones seen in chess books.