Originally Created by Jeff Lindsay
Create a Heroku account if you haven't, then grab the RequestBin source using git:
$ git clone git://github.com/Runscope/requestbin.git
From the project directory, create a Heroku application:
$ heroku create
Add Heroku's addon for redistogo
$ heroku addons:add redistogo:nano --app {app_name}
Find your redistogo connection details
$ heroku config --app {app_name} | grep REDISTOGO_URL
Modify line 19 of config/heroku.conf.py on redis details
redis_url = urlparse.urlparse(os.environ.get("REDIS_URL", "redis://REDISTOGO_URL:REDISTOGO_PORT/0"))
Now just deploy via git:
$ git push heroku master
It will push to Heroku and give you a URL that your own private RequestBin will be running.
- Barry Carlyon barry@barrycarlyon.co.uk
- Jeff Lindsay progrium@gmail.com