This is a series of utilities to manage Cloud Formation Templates.
The project has some core ideas:
- We are not writing a DSL to wrap Cloud Formation
- Provide a number of small utils that have specific tasks
- Integrate with AWS to allow CFN Stacks to be easily linked
- Parameters should be easy to configure outside of CFN template
- There are better ways to do this in 2019
CFN Utils Will follow this basic design.
- Environment SPECS Directory/File
- This file will contain a list of the CFN stacks that are needed in order to build out an environment.
- Can contain variables
- Can specify different input params based on environment.
- Cloud Formation Spec
- Simple yaml file indicating parameters needed
- Contains Resources
- Contains mappings
- Outputs
- CFN Blocks (All in YAML)
- Parameters
- Each parameter will have its own building block
- Mapptings
- Allows for the mappings to be set by environment
- Resources
- Parameters