- Xcode 13+
- Swift 5.5+
- iOS 14.0+
Intell the latest version of Xcode from the App Store or Apple Developer Download website. Also, we assert you have the Homebrew package manager.
This guide may not suit your machine and actually setup procedure may change in the future. Please file the issue or Pull Request if there are any problems.
The app use CocoaPods and CocoaPods-Keys. Ruby Gems are managed through Bundler. The M1 Mac needs virtual ruby env to workaround compatibility issues.
sudo gem install bundler
bundle install
# install the rbenv
brew install rbenv
which ruby
# > /usr/bin/ruby
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.zprofile
source ~/.zprofile
which ruby
# > /Users/mainasuk/.rbenv/shims/ruby
# select ruby
rbenv install --list
# here we use the latest 3.0.x version
rbenv install 3.0.3
rbenv global 3.0.3
ruby --version
# > ruby 3.0.3p157 (2021-11-24 revision 3fb7d2cadc) [arm64-darwin21]
sudo gem install bundler
bundle install
# make a clean build
bundle install
bundle exec pod clean
# make install
bundle exec pod install --repo-update
# open workspace
open Mastodon.xcworkspace
The CocoaPods-Key plugin will request the push notification endpoint. You can fufill the empty string and set it later. To setup the push notification. Please check section Push Notification
The app requires the App Group
capability. To make sure it works for your developer membership. Please check AppSecret.swift file and set another unique groupID
and update App Group
The app is compatible with toot-relay APNs. You can set your push notification endpoint via Cocoapod-Keys. There are two endpoints:
- notification_endpoint: for
usage - notification_endpoint_debug: for
Please check the Establishing a Certificate-Based Connection to APNs document to generate the certificate and exports the p12 file.
Please check and set the notification.Topic
to the app BundleID in toot-relay.go. The server needs use a reverse proxy to port this relay on 443 port with valid domain and HTTPS certificate.
- Open
- Wait for the Swift Package Dependencies resolved.
- Check the signing settings make sure to choose a team. More info…
- Select
scheme and device then run it. (Command + R)
We welcome contributions! And if you have an interest to contribute codes. Here is a document that describes the app architecture and what's tech stack it uses.