The resource provisioning in Amazon Web Services utilising various ansible modules. The automation of provisioning and web server configuration on AWS with the help of ec2 dynamic inventory. The instance provisioning is not recommened with the ansible, since ansible does not stores the instance state.
Project Flow Diagram
- Create EC2 Instance
- Configure Web Server using EC2 dynamic inventory
Two different playbooks are created for both the tasks and invoked using import_playbook
ansible module.
Kindly follow the usage instructions to run the play without any errors. The different plays are explained individually in the project just for reference and better understanding.
- Operating System: Redhat Enterprise Linux 7 or above
- Softwares: Ansible v2.9.9, Python v3.6.8
- AWS: Programmatic Access Credentials i.e access_key and secret_key
Ansible Configuration Tool is configured with the custom parameters in configuration file i.e ansible.cfg. The path for inventory has been upadted to the dynamic inventory script The AWS Credentials are configured in ec2.ini
for accessing the resources in Amazon Web Services. The file can be used to customise the dynamic inventory script for EC2 instances.
The AWS credentials i.e; access_key and secret_key is to be assigned in ec2.ini
at the end of file:
aws_access_key_id = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
aws_secret_access_key = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
The shebang in the dynamic inventory is changed to use python3 interpretor instead of python2
vim ansible_configuration/ansible_hosts/
Installation of Required python libraries
The python boto
library is required for the dynamic inventory to interact with the AWS SDK on the Ansible Controller Node. The boto library is installed using pip3 installer.
yum install -y python3-pip
pip3 install -U boto
Verify the dynamic inventory
The ansible should be able to list out all running Amazon EC2 instances using ansible all --list-all
The ansible configuration and dynamic inventories used in project are present in ansible_configuration
directory for reference.
For provisioning of resources on Amazon Web Services, the programmatic credentials are configured and passed to the the tasks in playbook i.e playbooks/ec2_instance_create.yml. The credentials are encrypted using ansible-vault using vault-password file vault_pass
**Ansible-Vault file **
Ansible Vault is a feature of ansible that allows you to keep sensitive data such as passwords or keys in encrypted files, rather than as plaintext in playbooks or roles. The AWS Credentials are stored in the vault file when used in tasks in playbook. The vault password is stored in vault_pass
file. The data in aws_creds.yml file i.e access_key and secret_key are encrypted using ansible vault.
ansible-vault create --vault-id prod@vault_pass aws_creds.yml
Raw plain text data before encryption of aws_creds.yml
secret_key: askdgaaiugff093lkkna+asdasd
Tasks in the play
AWS_credentials are imported into the play using import_vars
ansible module. The ec2_key
ansible module is used to create Instance key with name ec2_instance_key. The curl
module is used to fetch public IP of the controller node to allow SSH traffic only from the controller node. The ec2_group
ansible module is used to provision the firewall for the instance to access the application on 80 port worldwide and 22 port only from controller node. The ec2
ansible module is used to provision the EC2 instance using the provided aws_creds. The wait_for
module to wait for the instance to be ready for recieving SSH connection.
The inventory is refreshed using meta
module to update inventory using dynamic inventory
with the launched resource. The handler is used to store the key as soon as a new key is created.
The ansible will create instances on every play run since it does not tracks the instance state; so to prevent the ansible to launch the instance on every play, the tags
are used i.e instance_launch. The tag instance_launch
is passed only when a new instance is to be launched.
ansible-playbook ec2_instance_create.yml --vault-id prod@vault_pass --tags instance_launch
Fig 4.: Ansible Play for EC2 resource creation
The ec2_instance_create.yml
playbook is present in the directory playbooks for reference.
The web_server ansible role is used in web_server_configuration.yml
playbook to perform various tasks for cconfiguration for web server and application deployment in the newly launched EC2 instance. The Apache Web Server Configuration and code_deployment is tested using post_tasks
in the play.
The instance key generated in the previous play i.e; ec2_instance_key.pem is being used in the play to connect with the instance using ssh.
Tasks in the play
The variables are defined in the vars/main.yml
inside the web_server role. The required packages are installed in the instance using yum
module. The application code directory is created using file
module. The code is deployed from the github using git
module. The SELINUX is disabled premanently to ease the connectivity of the application. Since only one Listen directive with port number 80 can be used in apache configuration, so the replace module is used to remove the Listen directive if the variable http_port
is assigned with 80 port number. The apache server is started using systemd
module in case the server is in stopped state.
The post_tasks
defined in tests/test.yml
in the module is used to test the cconfiguration of apache server and deployment of application code. The play can be run with the help of below command if the inventory is updated.
ansible-playbook -l ec2 web_server_configure.yml
Fig 4.: Web Server Configuration and Testing
The pre-requisites
should be satisfied and the vault-file
should be created, the dynamic inventory and ec2.ini should be configured using the above mentioned steps. Then
- Clone this repository
- Change the working directory to
- Copy your credentials in credentials directory with same name or need to configure the file names in the variables
- Execute the playbook
present in playbooks directory
ansible-playbook ../playbooks/main.yml --vault-id prod@../credentials/vault_pass
The main.yml
imports both the plays i.e ec2_instance_create.yml and web_server_configure.yml and executes it one by one.
The list of variables used in the plays
EC2 Instance Creation Play
Name | Description | Default | Required |
region_name | Default Region Name for Instance Launch | ap-south-1 |
yes |
instance_type | Instance Configuration i.e CPU and memory | t2.micro |
yes |
instance_ami | AMI-Id of the Image | ami-052c08d70def0ac62 |
yes |
number_of_instances | Number of instance to launch | 1 |
yes |
subnet_id | Subnet Id determines the Availability Zone of Instance | `` | yes |
vpc_id | Network for Instance Launch | `` | yes |
Web Server Configure Play
Name | Description | Default | Required |
http_port | Web Server Port | 80 |
yes |
packages_list | Packages to installed on Instance | [ 'httpd', 'git' ] |
yes |
application_root_directory | Application Deployment Directory | /var/www/html/web |
yes |
tmp_apache_configuration_file | Temporary Configuration file | /opt/web.conf |
yes |
apache_configuration_file | Apache Configuration File | /etc/httpd/conf.d/web.conf |
yes |
apache_mods_enabled | Directory that conatins Apaache Modules configuration files | /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d |
yes |
code_repo | Application Code | |
yes |
1. Instance Key
2. Security Group
Fig 6.: AWS EC2 Security Group
3. AWS EC2 Instance
Source: LinuxWorld Informatics Pvt Ltd. Jaipur
Under the Guidance of : Vimal Daga