- In Terminal or Command Prompt
python sms_translator_function.py
- Enter Message like "Hey Rishabh brb!!"
- Result would be --> Hey Rishabh Be Right Back
userInput = Hey Rishabh brb!! output = Hey Rishabh Be Right Back
def translator(user_string):
user_string = user_string.split(" ")
j = 0
for _str in user_string:
# File path which consists of Abbreviations.
fileName = "G:\\Projects [Git]\\sms_slag_translator\\slang.txt"
# File Access mode [Read Mode]
accessMode = "r"
with open(fileName, accessMode) as myCSVfile:
# Reading file as CSV with delimiter as "=", so that abbreviation are stored in row[0] and phrases in row[1]
dataFromFile = csv.reader(myCSVfile, delimiter="=")
# Removing Special Characters.
_str = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9-_.]', '', _str)
for row in dataFromFile:
# Check if selected word matches short forms[LHS] in text file.
if _str.upper() == row[0]:
# If match found replace it with its Abbreviation in text file.
user_string[j] = row[1]
j = j + 1
# Replacing commas with spaces for final output.
print(' '.join(user_string))
This script takes input from user and finds any abbreviation available in it as described in text file, If found it will replace it with its corresponding phrase.