The Rust version of the famous P(NG)Convert from Hive Solutions.
Build and run with:
cargo run
Alternatively, compile first with:
cargo build
and then run the binary with:
Additionally, for better code optimization, compile with the --release
cargo build --release
and then run the release binary with:
$ pconvert-rust
Usage: pconvert-rust <command> [args...]
where command can be one of the following: compose, convert, benchmark, version
$ pconvert-rust compose <dir>
$ pconvert-rust convert <file_in> <file_out>
$ pconvert-rust benchmark <dir> [--parallel]
$ pconvert-rust version
Follow this guide step by step to install wasm-pack
, compile the WASM module and install it.
Check the demo site to see how to use the PConvert WASM module.
P(NG)Convert Rust is currently licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.