Manage connections.
- List Connections
- Details of Connection
- Details of Connection Parameters
- Details of Connection History
- Details of Connection Sharing Profiles
- List Sharing Profiles
- List Active Connections
- Kill Connections
- Create VNC Connection
- Create SSH Connection
- Create RDP Connection
- Create Telnet Connection
- Create Kubernetes Connection
- Update VNC Connection
- Update SSH Connection
- Update RDP Connection
- Update Telnet Connection
- Update Kubernetes Connection
- Delete Connection
List connections.
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
Details of connection.
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- connection (integer, required) - Connection identifier
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
- 200 - OK
Details of connection parameters.
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- connection (integer, required) - Connection identifier
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
- 200 - OK
Details of connection history.
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- connection (integer, required) - Connection identifier
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
- 200 - OK
Details of connection sharing profiles.
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- connection (integer, required) - Connection identifier
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
List sharing profiles.
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
- 200 - OK
List active connections.
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
- 200 - OK
Kill connections.
- Content-Type (string, required) - application/json
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
Body must be json-patch format.
"op": "remove",
"path": "/{{activeConnectionIdentifier}}"
- 200 - OK
Creates a VNC connection.
- Content-Type (string, required) - application/json
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
"parentIdentifier": "ROOT",
"name": "test",
"protocol": "vnc",
"parameters": {
"port": "",
"read-only": "",
"swap-red-blue": "",
"cursor": "",
"color-depth": "",
"clipboard-encoding": "",
"disable-copy": "",
"disable-paste": "",
"dest-port": "",
"recording-exclude-output": "",
"recording-exclude-mouse": "",
"recording-include-keys": "",
"create-recording-path": "",
"enable-sftp": "true",
"sftp-port": "",
"sftp-server-alive-interval": "",
"enable-audio": "",
"audio-servername": "",
"sftp-directory": "",
"sftp-root-directory": "",
"sftp-passphrase": "",
"sftp-private-key": "",
"sftp-username": "",
"sftp-password": "",
"sftp-host-key": "",
"sftp-hostname": "",
"recording-name": "",
"recording-path": "",
"dest-host": "",
"password": "",
"username": "",
"hostname": ""
"attributes": {
"max-connections": "",
"max-connections-per-user": "",
"weight": "",
"failover-only": "",
"guacd-port": "",
"guacd-encryption": "",
"guacd-hostname": ""
- 200 - OK
Creates a SSH connection.
- Content-Type (string, required) - application/json
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
"parentIdentifier": "ROOT",
"name": "test",
"protocol": "ssh",
"parameters": {
"port": "",
"read-only": "",
"swap-red-blue": "",
"cursor": "",
"color-depth": "",
"clipboard-encoding": "",
"disable-copy": "",
"disable-paste": "",
"dest-port": "",
"recording-exclude-output": "",
"recording-exclude-mouse": "",
"recording-include-keys": "",
"create-recording-path": "",
"enable-sftp": "",
"sftp-port": "",
"sftp-server-alive-interval": "",
"enable-audio": "",
"color-scheme": "",
"font-size": "",
"scrollback": "",
"timezone": null,
"server-alive-interval": "",
"backspace": "",
"terminal-type": "",
"create-typescript-path": "",
"hostname": "",
"host-key": "",
"private-key": "",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"passphrase": "",
"font-name": "",
"command": "",
"locale": "",
"typescript-path": "",
"typescript-name": "",
"recording-path": "",
"recording-name": "",
"sftp-root-directory": ""
"attributes": {
"max-connections": "",
"max-connections-per-user": "",
"weight": "",
"failover-only": "",
"guacd-port": "",
"guacd-encryption": "",
"guacd-hostname": ""
- 200 - OK
Creates a RDP connection.
- Content-Type (string, required) - application/json
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
"parentIdentifier": "ROOT",
"name": "test",
"protocol": "rdp",
"parameters": {
"port": "",
"read-only": "",
"swap-red-blue": "",
"cursor": "",
"color-depth": "",
"clipboard-encoding": "",
"disable-copy": "",
"disable-paste": "",
"dest-port": "",
"recording-exclude-output": "",
"recording-exclude-mouse": "",
"recording-include-keys": "",
"create-recording-path": "",
"enable-sftp": "",
"sftp-port": "",
"sftp-server-alive-interval": "",
"enable-audio": "",
"security": "",
"disable-auth": "",
"ignore-cert": "",
"gateway-port": "",
"server-layout": "",
"timezone": "",
"console": "",
"width": "",
"height": "",
"dpi": "",
"resize-method": "",
"console-audio": "",
"disable-audio": "",
"enable-audio-input": "",
"enable-printing": "",
"enable-drive": "",
"create-drive-path": "",
"enable-wallpaper": "",
"enable-theming": "",
"enable-font-smoothing": "",
"enable-full-window-drag": "",
"enable-desktop-composition": "",
"enable-menu-animations": "",
"disable-bitmap-caching": "",
"disable-offscreen-caching": "",
"disable-glyph-caching": "",
"preconnection-id": "",
"hostname": "",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"domain": "",
"gateway-hostname": "",
"gateway-username": "",
"gateway-password": "",
"gateway-domain": "",
"initial-program": "",
"client-name": "",
"printer-name": "",
"drive-name": "",
"drive-path": "",
"static-channels": "",
"remote-app": "",
"remote-app-dir": "",
"remote-app-args": "",
"preconnection-blob": "",
"load-balance-info": "",
"recording-path": "",
"recording-name": "",
"sftp-hostname": "",
"sftp-host-key": "",
"sftp-username": "",
"sftp-password": "",
"sftp-private-key": "",
"sftp-passphrase": "",
"sftp-root-directory": "",
"sftp-directory": ""
"attributes": {
"max-connections": "",
"max-connections-per-user": "",
"weight": "",
"failover-only": "",
"guacd-port": "",
"guacd-encryption": "",
"guacd-hostname": ""
- 200 - OK
Creates a Telnet connection.
- Content-Type (string, required) - application/json
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
"parentIdentifier": "ROOT",
"name": "test",
"protocol": "telnet",
"parameters": {
"port": "",
"read-only": "",
"swap-red-blue": "",
"cursor": "",
"color-depth": "",
"clipboard-encoding": "",
"disable-copy": "",
"disable-paste": "",
"dest-port": "",
"recording-exclude-output": "",
"recording-exclude-mouse": "",
"recording-include-keys": "",
"create-recording-path": "",
"enable-sftp": "",
"sftp-port": "",
"sftp-server-alive-interval": "",
"enable-audio": "",
"color-scheme": "",
"font-size": "",
"scrollback": "",
"backspace": "",
"terminal-type": "",
"create-typescript-path": "",
"hostname": "",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"username-regex": "",
"password-regex": "",
"login-success-regex": "",
"login-failure-regex": "",
"font-name": "",
"typescript-path": "",
"typescript-name": "",
"recording-path": "",
"recording-name": ""
"attributes": {
"max-connections": "",
"max-connections-per-user": "",
"weight": "",
"failover-only": "",
"guacd-port": "",
"guacd-encryption": "",
"guacd-hostname": ""
- 200 - OK
Creates a Kubernetes connection.
- Content-Type (string, required) - application/json
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
"parentIdentifier": "ROOT",
"name": "test",
"protocol": "kubernetes",
"parameters": {
"port": "",
"read-only": "",
"swap-red-blue": "",
"cursor": "",
"color-depth": "",
"clipboard-encoding": "",
"disable-copy": "",
"disable-paste": "",
"dest-port": "",
"recording-exclude-output": "",
"recording-exclude-mouse": "",
"recording-include-keys": "",
"create-recording-path": "",
"enable-sftp": "",
"sftp-port": "",
"sftp-server-alive-interval": "",
"enable-audio": "",
"use-ssl": "",
"ignore-cert": "",
"color-scheme": "",
"font-size": "",
"scrollback": "",
"backspace": "",
"create-typescript-path": "",
"hostname": "",
"ca-cert": "",
"namespace": "",
"pod": "",
"container": "",
"client-cert": "",
"client-key": "",
"font-name": "",
"typescript-path": "",
"typescript-name": "",
"recording-path": "",
"recording-name": ""
"attributes": {
"max-connections": "",
"max-connections-per-user": "",
"weight": "",
"failover-only": "",
"guacd-port": "",
"guacd-encryption": "",
"guacd-hostname": ""
- 200 - OK
Updates VNC connection.
- Content-Type (string, required) - application/json
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- connection (integer, required) - Connection identifier
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
"parentIdentifier": "ROOT",
"name": "test",
"identifier": "1",
"activeConnections": 0,
"protocol": "vnc",
"parameters": {
"port": "",
"read-only": "",
"swap-red-blue": "",
"cursor": "",
"color-depth": "",
"clipboard-encoding": "",
"disable-copy": "",
"disable-paste": "",
"dest-port": "",
"recording-exclude-output": "",
"recording-exclude-mouse": "",
"recording-include-keys": "",
"create-recording-path": "",
"enable-sftp": "true",
"sftp-port": "",
"sftp-server-alive-interval": "",
"enable-audio": "",
"audio-servername": "",
"sftp-directory": "",
"sftp-root-directory": "",
"sftp-passphrase": "",
"sftp-private-key": "",
"sftp-username": "",
"sftp-password": "",
"sftp-host-key": "",
"sftp-hostname": "",
"recording-name": "",
"recording-path": "",
"dest-host": "",
"password": "",
"username": "",
"hostname": ""
"attributes": {
"max-connections": "",
"max-connections-per-user": "",
"weight": "",
"failover-only": "",
"guacd-port": "",
"guacd-encryption": "",
"guacd-hostname": ""
- 204 - No Content
This request does not return a response body.
Updates SSH connection.
- Content-Type (string, required) - application/json
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- connection (integer, required) - Connection identifier
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
"parentIdentifier": "ROOT",
"name": "test",
"identifier": "1",
"activeConnections": 0,
"protocol": "ssh",
"parameters": {
"port": "",
"read-only": "",
"swap-red-blue": "",
"cursor": "",
"color-depth": "",
"clipboard-encoding": "",
"disable-copy": "",
"disable-paste": "",
"dest-port": "",
"recording-exclude-output": "",
"recording-exclude-mouse": "",
"recording-include-keys": "",
"create-recording-path": "",
"enable-sftp": "",
"sftp-port": "",
"sftp-server-alive-interval": "",
"enable-audio": "",
"color-scheme": "",
"font-size": "",
"scrollback": "",
"timezone": null,
"server-alive-interval": "",
"backspace": "",
"terminal-type": "",
"create-typescript-path": "",
"hostname": "",
"host-key": "",
"private-key": "",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"passphrase": "",
"font-name": "",
"command": "",
"locale": "",
"typescript-path": "",
"typescript-name": "",
"recording-path": "",
"recording-name": "",
"sftp-root-directory": ""
"attributes": {
"max-connections": "",
"max-connections-per-user": "",
"weight": "",
"failover-only": "",
"guacd-port": "",
"guacd-encryption": "",
"guacd-hostname": ""
- 204 - No Content
This request does not return a response body.
Updates RDP connection.
- Content-Type (string, required) - application/json
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- connection (integer, required) - Connection identifier
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
"parentIdentifier": "ROOT",
"name": "test",
"identifier": "1",
"activeConnections": 0,
"protocol": "rdp",
"parameters": {
"port": "",
"read-only": "",
"swap-red-blue": "",
"cursor": "",
"color-depth": "",
"clipboard-encoding": "",
"disable-copy": "",
"disable-paste": "",
"dest-port": "",
"recording-exclude-output": "",
"recording-exclude-mouse": "",
"recording-include-keys": "",
"create-recording-path": "",
"enable-sftp": "",
"sftp-port": "",
"sftp-server-alive-interval": "",
"enable-audio": "",
"security": "",
"disable-auth": "",
"ignore-cert": "",
"gateway-port": "",
"server-layout": "",
"timezone": "",
"console": "",
"width": "",
"height": "",
"dpi": "",
"resize-method": "",
"console-audio": "",
"disable-audio": "",
"enable-audio-input": "",
"enable-printing": "",
"enable-drive": "",
"create-drive-path": "",
"enable-wallpaper": "",
"enable-theming": "",
"enable-font-smoothing": "",
"enable-full-window-drag": "",
"enable-desktop-composition": "",
"enable-menu-animations": "",
"disable-bitmap-caching": "",
"disable-offscreen-caching": "",
"disable-glyph-caching": "",
"preconnection-id": "",
"hostname": "",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"domain": "",
"gateway-hostname": "",
"gateway-username": "",
"gateway-password": "",
"gateway-domain": "",
"initial-program": "",
"client-name": "",
"printer-name": "",
"drive-name": "",
"drive-path": "",
"static-channels": "",
"remote-app": "",
"remote-app-dir": "",
"remote-app-args": "",
"preconnection-blob": "",
"load-balance-info": "",
"recording-path": "",
"recording-name": "",
"sftp-hostname": "",
"sftp-host-key": "",
"sftp-username": "",
"sftp-password": "",
"sftp-private-key": "",
"sftp-passphrase": "",
"sftp-root-directory": "",
"sftp-directory": ""
"attributes": {
"max-connections": "",
"max-connections-per-user": "",
"weight": "",
"failover-only": "",
"guacd-port": "",
"guacd-encryption": "",
"guacd-hostname": ""
- 204 - No Content
This request does not return a response body.
Updates Telnet connection.
- Content-Type (string, required) - application/json
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- connection (integer, required) - Connection identifier
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
"parentIdentifier": "ROOT",
"name": "test",
"identifier": "1",
"activeConnections": 0,
"protocol": "telnet",
"parameters": {
"port": "",
"read-only": "",
"swap-red-blue": "",
"cursor": "",
"color-depth": "",
"clipboard-encoding": "",
"disable-copy": "",
"disable-paste": "",
"dest-port": "",
"recording-exclude-output": "",
"recording-exclude-mouse": "",
"recording-include-keys": "",
"create-recording-path": "",
"enable-sftp": "",
"sftp-port": "",
"sftp-server-alive-interval": "",
"enable-audio": "",
"color-scheme": "",
"font-size": "",
"scrollback": "",
"backspace": "",
"terminal-type": "",
"create-typescript-path": "",
"hostname": "",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"username-regex": "",
"password-regex": "",
"login-success-regex": "",
"login-failure-regex": "",
"font-name": "",
"typescript-path": "",
"typescript-name": "",
"recording-path": "",
"recording-name": ""
"attributes": {
"max-connections": "",
"max-connections-per-user": "",
"weight": "",
"failover-only": "",
"guacd-port": "",
"guacd-encryption": "",
"guacd-hostname": ""
- 204 - No Content
This request does not return a response body.
Updates Kubernetes connection.
- Content-Type (string, required) - application/json
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- connection (integer, required) - Connection identifier
- token (string, required) - Auth Token
"parentIdentifier": "ROOT",
"name": "test",
"identifier": "1",
"activeConnections": 0,
"protocol": "kubernetes",
"parameters": {
"port": "",
"read-only": "",
"swap-red-blue": "",
"cursor": "",
"color-depth": "",
"clipboard-encoding": "",
"disable-copy": "",
"disable-paste": "",
"dest-port": "",
"recording-exclude-output": "",
"recording-exclude-mouse": "",
"recording-include-keys": "",
"create-recording-path": "",
"enable-sftp": "",
"sftp-port": "",
"sftp-server-alive-interval": "",
"enable-audio": "",
"use-ssl": "",
"ignore-cert": "",
"color-scheme": "",
"font-size": "",
"scrollback": "",
"backspace": "",
"create-typescript-path": "",
"hostname": "",
"ca-cert": "",
"namespace": "",
"pod": "",
"container": "",
"client-cert": "",
"client-key": "",
"font-name": "",
"typescript-path": "",
"typescript-name": "",
"recording-path": "",
"recording-name": ""
"attributes": {
"max-connections": "",
"max-connections-per-user": "",
"weight": "",
"failover-only": "",
"guacd-port": "",
"guacd-encryption": "",
"guacd-hostname": ""
- 204 - No Content
This request does not return a response body.
Deletes given connection.
- data_source (string, required) - Data source
- connection (integer, required) - Connection identifier
- token (string, required) - Auth token
- 204 - No Content
This request does not return a response body.