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Save your Wakatime history more than 7 days on free mode.


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Wakatime Save History.

Save your Wakatime history more than 7 days on free mode.

PrerequisitesInstallationRunning locallyRunning productionTranslationTroubleshootingAbout

Node Express Sequelize Mariadb Production LastCommit Visitors


Screen Users List Screen Users List

Screen Day Language Screen Day Language

Getting started


  1. Git
  2. Node: any 14.x version starting with v14.0.0 or greater
  3. Yarn: See Yarn website for installation instructions
  4. TypeScript language Read More
  5. Sequelize: Install global Sequelize
  6. Database support by Sequelize: Sequelize Dialects
  7. A fork of the repo (for any contributions)
  8. A clone of the wakatime-save-history repo on your local machine


  1. cd wakatime-save-history to go into the project root
  2. yarn to install the website's npm dependencies
  3. Edit file ./scr/database/config/database.json and update the informations of you database access
  4. sequelize db:migrate to create the database
  5. Create .env file based on .env-example and update the options
  6. Enter on Wakatime website and select SHARE on left menu, click 'Embeddable Charts' and select Format: JSON, Chart Type: Coding Activity, copy the url and paste on propertie 'urlHours' of .env file. At the same screen on website select Chart Type: Languages, copy the url and paste on propertie 'urlLanguage' of .env file, save and go to run project

Running locally

  1. yarn dev to start the hot-reloading development server
  2. open http://localhost:4000 to open the site in your favorite browser

Running production

  1. yarn build to run the build engine files
  2. yarn start to start the server
  3. open http://localhost:4000 to open the site in your favorite browser



The documentation is divided into several sections with a different tone and purpose. The development was created to monitor the progress of a personal working hours monitoring project

Create a branch

  1. git checkout master from any folder in your local wakatime-save-history repository
  2. git pull origin master to ensure you have the latest main code
  3. git checkout -b the-name-of-my-branch (replacing the-name-of-my-branch with a suitable name) to create a branch

Push it

  1. git add -A && git commit -m "My message" (replacing My message with a commit message, such as Fix header logo on Android) to stage and commit your changes
  2. git push my-fork-name the-name-of-my-branch
  3. Go to the wakatime-save-history repo and you should see recently pushed branches.
  4. Follow GitHub's instructions.


If you are interested in translating wakatime-save-history to pt-BR, open a issue and make this.


Create a issue now Issues


To save all historys, run a CRON service on http://localhost:4000/ from start and on end the day


Rico Vilela


MIT file.