A port of the OpenCascade CAD library to JavaScript and WebAssembly via Emscripten.
Explore the docs »
- ArchiYou: Library, Code-CAD Design Tool, Community Hub
- BitByBit: Code- & node-based - CAD Design Tool
- CascadeStudio: Library and Code-CAD Design Tool
- RepliCAD: Library and Code-CAD Design Tool
- OpenCascade.js-examples: Contains general examples on how to use the library.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to have a look at the todo-list if you need some inspiration on what else needs to be done.
# these should live next to .../opencascade.js
git clone -b v1.1.0 https://github.com/Tencent/rapidjson.git
git clone -b VER-2-13-0 https://github.com/freetype/freetype.git
# Download and extract OCCT:
curl "https://git.dev.opencascade.org/gitweb/?p=occt.git;a=snapshot;h=${OCCT_COMMIT_HASH_FULL};sf=tgz" | tar -xvf - --strip-components=1
python generateBindings.py
# writes bindings code to build/bindings
python compileSources.py
python compileBindings.py