[X] Add support for Brewfiles [X] More intelligent syncing behaviour [X] Prevent syncying config files system->dotfiles if dotfiles repo has modifications
[X] Add support for Brewfiles [X] Refactor app install script in favor of Brewfiles [X] Install fonts using cask-font to reduce download size [X] Nuke fonts binary files from repository
[] Support multiple configurations (personal, work) without using branches (aka layer system) [] We can generate configurations that apply on top of a base one: a default Brewfile with common cases and the we apply an aditional Brewfile for the current layer [] Use git-config conditional includes (https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config#_conditional_includes)
[X] Allow sync comand to only sync a subset of the files (categories) [X] Use just one rsync file instead of one per folder with different categories as an obj map [X] Add a parameter to specify the categories to sync, comma separated
[] Add support for SDKMAN
## Tools to install
- cmake
- python
- python2
- open jdk 8
- android-sdk
- android-studio
- gradle
- ccache
vscode settings vscode keymaps vscode extensions xcode keymaps iterm settings
- Add source code pro font
- Check more fonts installed in the system