PyAutoFit is a Python-based probablistic programming language that allows complex model fitting techniques to be straightforwardly integrated into scientific modeling software. PyAutoFit specializes in:
- Black box models with complex and expensive log likelihood functions.
- Fitting many different model parametrizations to a data-set.
- Modeling extremely large-datasets with a homogenous fitting procedure.
- Automating complex model-fitting tasks via transdimensional model-fitting pipelines.
To illustrate the PyAutoFit API, we'll use an illustrative toy model of fitting a one-dimensional Gaussian to noisy 1D data of a Gaussian's line profile. Here's an example of the data (blue) and the model we'll fit (orange):
We define our model, a 1D Gaussian, by writing a Python class using the format below.
class Gaussian:
def __init__(
centre=0.0, # <- PyAutoFit recognises these
intensity=0.1, # <- constructor arguments are
sigma=0.01, # <- the Gaussian's parameters.
self.centre = centre
self.intensity = intensity
self.sigma = sigma
An instance of the Gaussian class will be available during model fitting.
This method will be used to fit the model to data and compute a likelihood.
def profile_from_xvalues(self, xvalues):
transformed_xvalues = xvalues - self.centre
return (self.intensity / (self.sigma * (2.0 * np.pi) ** 0.5)) * \
np.exp(-0.5 * transformed_xvalues / self.sigma)
PyAutoFit recognises that this Gaussian may be treated as a model component whose parameters can be fitted for via a non-linear search like emcee..
To fit this Gaussian to the data we create an Analysis object, which gives PyAutoFit the data and a likelihood function describing how to fit the data with the model:
class Analysis(af.Analysis):
def __init__(self, data, noise_map): = data
self.noise_map = noise_map
def log_likelihood_function(self, instance):
The 'instance' that comes into this method is an instance of the Gaussian class
above, with the parameters set to (random) values chosen by the non-linear search.
print("Gaussian Instance:")
print("Centre = ", instance.centre)
print("Intensity = ", instance.intensity)
print("Sigma = ", instance.sigma)
We fit the data with the Gaussian instance, using its
"profile_from_xvalues" function to create the model data.
xvalues = np.arange([0])
model_data = instance.profile_from_xvalues(xvalues=xvalues)
residual_map = - model_data
chi_squared_map = (residual_map / self.noise_map) ** 2.0
log_likelihood = -0.5 * sum(chi_squared_map)
return log_likelihood
We can now fit data to the model using a non-linear search of our choice.
model = af.PriorModel(Gaussian)
analysis = a.Analysis(data=data, noise_map=noise_map)
emcee = af.Emcee(nwalkers=50, nsteps=2000)
result =, analysis=analysis)
The result object contains information on the model-fit, for example the parameter samples, best-fit model and marginalized probability density functions.
To get started checkout our readthedocs, where you'll find our installation guide, a complete overview of PyAutoFit's features, examples scripts and tutorials and detailed API documentation.
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