this is currently broken with the following uptrace error (tracked at uptrace/uptrace#403):
error metrics/init.go:43 initSpanMetrics failed {"error": "createSpanMetric \"uptrace_tracing_events\" failed: createMatView failed: DB::Exception: Column s.count is not under aggregate function and not in GROUP BY keys.
The full error is:
uptrace-1 | [ch] 17:21:14.510 CREATE VIEW 6.62ms CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW "metrics_uptrace_tracing_events_mv" TO uptrace.datapoint_minutes AS SELECT s.project_id, 'uptrace_tracing_events' AS metric, toStartOfMinute(s.time) AS time, 'counter' AS instrument, xxHash64(arrayStringConcat([toString(s."system"), toString(s."group_id"), toString(s."name"), toString(s."host_name")], '-')) AS attrs_hash, ['_system', '_group_id', '_name', 'host_name'] AS string_keys, [toString(s."system"), toString(s."group_id"), toString(s."name"), toString(s."host_name")] AS string_values, toJSONString(map('display_name', toString(any(s."display_name")))) AS annotations, s."count" AS sum FROM uptrace.spans_index AS s WHERE (s.type IN ('message', 'other-events') = 1) GROUP BY s.project_id, toStartOfMinute(s.time), toString(s."system"), toString(s."group_id"), toString(s."name"), toString(s."host_name") SETTINGS allow_experimental_analyzer = 1 *ch.Error: DB::Exception: Column s.count is not under aggregate function and not in GROUP BY keys. In query SELECT s.project_id, 'uptrace_tracing_events' AS metric, toStartOfMinute(s.time) AS time, 'counter' AS instrument, xxHash64(arrayStringConcat([toString(s.system), toString(s.group_id), toString(, toString(s.host_name)], '-')) AS attrs_hash, ['_system', '_group_id', '_name', 'host_name'] AS string_keys, [toString(s.system), toString(s.group_id), toString(, toString(s.host_name)] AS string_values, toJSONString(map('display_name', toString(any(s.display_name)))) AS annotations, s.count AS sum FROM uptrace.spans_index AS s WHERE (s.type IN ('message', 'other-events')) = 1 GROUP BY s.project_id, toStartOfMinute(s.time), toString(s.system), toString(s.group_id), toString(, toString(s.host_name) SETTINGS allow_experimental_analyzer = 1 (215)
uptrace-1 | 2024-07-31T17:21:14.510Z error metrics/init.go:43 initSpanMetrics failed {"error": "createSpanMetric \"uptrace_tracing_events\" failed: createMatView failed: DB::Exception: Column s.count is not under aggregate function and not in GROUP BY keys. In query SELECT s.project_id, 'uptrace_tracing_events' AS metric, toStartOfMinute(s.time) AS time, 'counter' AS instrument, xxHash64(arrayStringConcat([toString(s.system), toString(s.group_id), toString(, toString(s.host_name)], '-')) AS attrs_hash, ['_system', '_group_id', '_name', 'host_name'] AS string_keys, [toString(s.system), toString(s.group_id), toString(, toString(s.host_name)] AS string_values, toJSONString(map('display_name', toString(any(s.display_name)))) AS annotations, s.count AS sum FROM uptrace.spans_index AS s WHERE (s.type IN ('message', 'other-events')) = 1 GROUP BY s.project_id, toStartOfMinute(s.time), toString(s.system), toString(s.group_id), toString(, toString(s.host_name) SETTINGS allow_experimental_analyzer = 1 (215)"}
uptrace-1 |
uptrace-1 |
uptrace-1 | main.init.func2
uptrace-1 |
uptrace-1 |*Command).Run
uptrace-1 |
uptrace-1 |*Command).Run
uptrace-1 |
uptrace-1 |*App).RunContext
uptrace-1 |
uptrace-1 |*App).Run
uptrace-1 |
uptrace-1 | main.main
uptrace-1 |
uptrace-1 | runtime.main
uptrace-1 | runtime/proc.go:271
This is a OpenTelemetry/Uptrace Community Edition (Uptrace CE)/ClickHouse/PostgreSQL/.NET playground.
The following components are used:
# recreate the environment defined in the compose.yml file and leave it running
# in the background.
docker compose --profile tool down --remove-orphans --volumes --timeout=0
docker compose down --remove-orphans --volumes --timeout=0
docker compose --progress plain up -d --build
# show running containers.
docker compose ps
# show logs.
docker compose logs
# open a container network interface in wireshark.
./ quotes
# open the quotes service swagger.
xdg-open http://localhost:8000/swagger
# make a request.
http \
--verbose \
# make a failing request.
http \
--verbose \
# make a request that includes a parent trace.
# NB the dotnet trace id will be set to the traceparent trace id.
# NB the tracestate does not seem to be stored or propagated anywhere.
http \
--verbose \
http://localhost:8000/quote \
traceparent:00-f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1-2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f-01 \
# open uptrace.
xdg-open http://localhost:14318
# open mailpit (email).
xdg-open http://localhost:8025
# open the clickhouse playground and dashboard.
xdg-open http://localhost:8123/play
xdg-open http://localhost:8123/dashboard
# show the postgres schema.
docker compose exec -T postgres psql -U uptrace uptrace <<'EOF'
\dt+ public.*
\d+ public.*
docker compose exec -T postgres pg_dump -U uptrace --schema-only uptrace
# show the clickhouse schema.
# see
# see
docker compose exec -T clickhouse clickhouse client --database uptrace --multiline --multiquery <<'EOF'
--show databases;
--show tables;
--select name from system.databases;
select name, create_table_query from system.tables where database='uptrace' format Vertical;
--select table, name, type from system.columns where database='uptrace';
# show the clickhouse schema (shows more details than the above flavor).
# NB there is no built-in way to dump the schema like postgres with
# pg_dump --schema-only, instead, we have to create a schema-only backup,
# with clickhouse-backup --schema, and dump that.
# see
# see
docker compose run --rm clickhouse-backup create --schema schema-dump
docker compose run --rm clickhouse-backup list
docker compose exec -T clickhouse find /var/lib/clickhouse/backup/schema-dump -type f -exec cat {} \; | jq
docker compose run --rm clickhouse-backup delete local schema-dump
# destroy the environment.
docker compose --profile tool down --remove-orphans --volumes --timeout=0
docker compose down --remove-orphans --volumes --timeout=0
- .NET uses the Activity class to encapsulate the W3C Trace Context.
- The Activity
property contains to the W3Ctraceparent
header value.- It looks alike
. - It has four fields:
), andtrace-flags
- It looks alike
- The Activity