Some tasks I usually do after installing Fedora. If you want you can use it, at your own risk!
Git clone the repo or directly download the sh script and run it.
The package dialog and sudo priviledges are required. The main menu with the task options will be displayed, simply launch the one you want to set. The order is not mandatory, however some tasks require the previous ones (3 requires 1, 5 requires 4). In general I suggest to follow the given order.
- DNF & RPM Fusion;
- Upgrade;
- Media Codecs & Supports;
- Enable Flathub;
- Install Software (Flatpaks);
- R & RStudio;
- Fedora ToolBox;
- Miniconda;
- Exit & Reboot.
Sets DNF max_parallel_downloads flag to 20 (deafult=3) and adds RPM Fusion proprietary repos.
Upgrades the system.
From RPM Fusion installs suggested proprietary codecs (gstreamer, openh264, ffmpeg, etc.) and some utils packages such as sshfs, git, openssl-devel, libcurl-devel, exfat-utils.
Adds Flathub remote to flatpak. The Fedora one does not contain proprietary apps (like Slack).
You can select which flatpak app install from a list. Current list:
- Firmware;
- FontDownloader;
- Fragments;
- Inkscape;
- VSCode;
- MarkText;
- Flatseal;
- OnlyOffice;
- Slack;
- Telegram;
- Zoom;
- Spotify;
- PDFArranger;
- DejaDup;
- ToDo;
- Blanket;
- Drawing;
- Deskop icon files creator;
- ExtensionManager.
Installs R, RStudio dekstop and FlexiBLAS API interface for R (with all optimized blas backends).
Adds the Fedora toolbox containers based on podman. Very useful to test or use different versions of programs (like R).
Adds Miniconda and sets up the superior conda package manager mamba.
Reboot option. Suggested as final operation.