Steps to change any docker-compose file to helm chart:
- Play with docker-compose
- Use kompose
- Helming
- Ingress
- GitHub Pages
- Configmaps
- Secrets
- Helm Install options
- Postgres as a dependency
Take a look to values file:
git clone
cd ParseChart/charts/parse
nano values.yaml
As default:
appId: 'MyParseApp' #Parse appID
masterkey: 'adminadmin' #Parse masterkey
url: '{YOUR Parse url}' #YOUR Parse url
username: postgres #postgresql username
password: postgres1 #postgresql password
database: postgres #postgresql database
data_dir: '/ParesDatabase' #postgresql data directory mounted to default data dir
enabled: true #True if you need the parse dashboard
username: user #dashboard username if you enabled dashboard
password: user #dashboard password if you enabled dashboard
url: {YOUR Dashboard url} #YOUR Dashboard url
https: true #Enabling https
certmanager: #If you want to use cert-manager as tls connected to letsencrypt
enabled: false #If true certs and issuer will create as your urls for parse and dashboard
helm install parse . -f values.yaml
If you have your own certs(server.crt,server.key) based on your urls:
kubectl create secret generic parse-tls --from-file=tls.crt=./server.crt --from-file=tls.key=./server.key
You have to set name of secret inside values file. If you want to use cert-manager and letsencrypt just enable certmanager inside values yaml file:
enabled: true
Here you go.