React component for allowing panning of DOM-elements too large for their container, in a Google Maps-like way. Supports touch devices and should work on IE8+.
See the demos page for some demos.
can be installed using npm:
npm install react-element-pan
var React = require('react');
var ElementPan = require('react-element-pan');
// Want to use touch events?
// Render the component
new ElementPan({
onPanStart: function() { /* Pan started! */ },
onPanStop: function() { /* Pan ended! */ },
onPan: function() { /* Pan move! */ },
width: 800, // Optional width for the ElementPan container
height: 800, // Optional height for the ElementPan container
startX: 771, // Optional X coordinate to start at
startY: 360 // Optional Y coordinate to start at
}, React.DOM.img({ src: 'some-large-image.jpg' })
), document.body);
// Or, with JSX:
<img src="some-large-image.jpg" />
Note that startX/startY only works if the content is large enough when the component is mounted. You might want to set a min-width
in your CSS for this to work.
Licensed under the MIT License, see LICENSE