All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- kraken: watchOrderbook handleDeltas (ee7b0dc)
- Phemex: createOrder usd settled contracts [ci deploy] (cdd673d)
- bybit: parseTicker default type (8a929fa)
- binance: stream reconnect (da96a59)
- coinbasepro: Added bidVolume and askVolume to watchTicker (86ed8aa)
- phemex: fix handleSettle (4754570)
- whitebit: handle authenticate error (39cd58c)
- Gate: sandbox markets loading (b564e9d)
- Cex: incorrect currency precision parsing (ea6c278)
- bybit: setMarginMode rename and leverage (4fc1fef)
- Exchange: restore options (3fa16bb)
- Bybit: timeframe parsing (9178d79)
- bybit: remove isUnifiedMarginEnabled from ws (83f895b)
- bybit: fix fetchOHLCV since (6025fdc)
- exmo: watchBalance info (ac097d0)
- gate: reset correctly orderbook after invalid nonce error (309acb6)
- kucoin: watchBalance add info and time to balance structure (27d7c28)
- Kucoin: fix transaction status (ca5b3d6)
- Binance: fix parseTrades margin (7d52071)
- ccxt.d.ts: add transfer and setLeverage types (6e2c7d9)
- Gate: average price inside parseOrder (e7e0b25)
- Binance: support different ids in editOrder (f0ee83b)
- Bitget: fetchLeverage method (8fff1e4)