Documentation for LEAP will be available by the end of 2023.
Here is the pseudo-code of the model:
To install this package on your computer locally, first download it from GitHub
git clone
Next, install the package:
cd LEAP.jl
> import Pkg
> Pkg.add(path="PATH_TO/LEAP.jl")
To add dependencies, you can add them to the LEAP.jl
using MyDependency
For the dependencies to be included in the package, you need to also add them to the Project.toml
file. To do so, open a terminal and enter the Julia
package REPL
cd LEAP.jl
julia> # type ] here to enter the Pkg REPL
[(@v1.x) pkg> activate . # activate our package REPL
[(LEAP) pkg> add MyDependency
To run unit tests via the command line:
cd LEAP.jl
julia --project=. --code-coverage test/runtests.jl
To select specific modules to test, list them as args:
julia --project=. --code-coverage test/runtests.jl "agent"
If you have run with --code-coverage
, then after the tests have run, you will need to run
the teardown.jl
julia --project=. "./test/teardown.jl" --module-coverage "agent"
cd LEAP.jl
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add(path="PATH_TO/LEAP.jl")
julia> Pkg.activate(@__DIR__)
julia> Pkg.instantiate()
julia> Pkg.test("LEAP", coverage=true)
To select specific modules to test, use the test_args
julia> Pkg.test("LEAP", coverage=true, tests_args=["all"])
cd LEAP.jl
julia> # type ] here to enter the Pkg REPL
[(@v1.x) pkg> activate . # activate our package REPL
[(LEAP) pkg> test