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File metadata and controls

executable file
170 lines (143 loc) · 13.2 KB


Agent to integrate Jest with ReportPortal.


npm install --save-dev @reportportal/agent-js-jest


1. Create jest.config.js file with reportportal configuration:

module.exports = {
    testRunner: 'jest-circus/runner',
    testRegex: ['/__tests__/.*.spec.js?$'],
    reporters: [
                apiKey: 'reportportalApiKey',
                endpoint: 'https://your.reportportal.server/api/v1',
                project: 'Your reportportal project name',
                launch: 'Your launch name',
                attributes: [
                        key: 'key',
                        value: 'value',
                        value: 'value',
                description: 'Your launch description',

In case you use the jest config section of package.json, add the following entry:

    "jest": {
        "reporters": [
                "token": "reportportalApiKey",
                "endpoint": "https://your.reportportal.server/api/v1",
                "project": "Your reportportal project name",
                "launch": "Your launch name",
                "attributes": [
                        "key": "key",
                        "value": "value"
                        "value": "value"
                "description": "Your launch description"

The full list of available options presented below.

Option Necessity Default Description
apiKey Required User's reportportal token from which you want to send requests. It can be found on the profile page of this user.
endpoint Required URL of your server. For example 'https://server:8080/api/v1'. Use api/v2 for asynchronous reporting.
launch Required Name of launch at creation.
project Required The name of the project in which the launches will be created.
attributes Optional [] Launch attributes.
description Optional '' Launch description.
rerun Optional false Enable rerun
rerunOf Optional Not set UUID of launch you want to rerun. If not specified, reportportal will update the latest launch with the same name. Works only if rerun set to true.
mode Optional 'DEFAULT' Results will be submitted to Launches page
'DEBUG' - Results will be submitted to Debug page.
skippedIssue Optional true reportportal provides feature to mark skipped tests as not 'To Investigate'.
Option could be equal boolean values:
true - skipped tests considered as issues and will be marked as 'To Investigate' on reportportal.
false - skipped tests will not be marked as 'To Investigate' on application.
debug Optional false This flag allows seeing the logs of the client-javascript. Useful for debugging.
launchId Optional Not set The ID of an already existing launch. The launch must be in 'IN_PROGRESS' status while the tests are running. Please note that if this ID is provided, the launch will not be finished at the end of the run and must be finished separately.
restClientConfig Optional Not set The object with agent property for configure http(s) client, may contain other client options eg. timeout.
Visit client-javascript for more details.
isLaunchMergeRequired Optional false This flag determines whether to create temp files with the UUIDs of started launches and allow them to be merged using client-javascript's mergeLaunches method. Temp file format: rplaunch-${launch_uuid}.tmp.
launchUuidPrint Optional false Whether to print the current launch UUID.
launchUuidPrintOutput Optional 'STDOUT' Launch UUID printing output. Possible values: 'STDOUT', 'STDERR'. Works only if launchUuidPrint set to true.
extendTestDescriptionWithLastError Optional true If set to true the latest error log will be attached to the test case description.
token Deprecated Not set Use apiKey instead.

The following options can be overridden using ENVIRONMENT variables:

Option ENV variable Note
endpoint RP_ENDPOINT
launch RP_LAUNCH
attributes RP_ATTRIBUTES Format: key:value,key:value,value
description RP_DESCRIPTION
mode RP_MODE
token RP_TOKEN deprecated Use RP_API_KEY instead.

This is for your convenience if you have a continuous job that runs your tests and may report results that point to a different reportportal project definition, launch name, or attributes.

2. Add script to package.json file:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "jest --no-colors --detectOpenHandles --config ./jest.config.js"



The agent has support of retries. Read more about retries in jest.

Reporting API

This reporter provides ReportingApi in global variables to use it directly in tests to send some additional data to the report.

Note: ReportingApi does not support tests running in concurrent mode at the moment.

Reporting API methods


Send file to ReportPortal for the current test. Should be called inside of corresponding test.
ReportingApi.attachment(file: {name: string; type: string; content: string | Buffer;}, description?: string);
required: file
optional: description

test('should be passed with attachment', () => {
    const fileName = 'test.png';
    const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './attachments', fileName));

        name: fileName,
        type: 'image/png',
        content: fileContent.toString('base64'),
    }, 'Description');


Copyright Notice

Licensed under the Apache License v2.0


This code was based on the jest-junit and adapted by team members of Ontoforce for the ReportPortal upload. Ontoforce contributed this effort as Open Source to the ReportPortal project team.