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Testgrid is a an automation testing platform for kURL. Testgrid installs kURL specs on a set of linux os versions and runs conformance tests.

Testgrid Results

Testgrid results can be viewed at

Debugging failed runs

For each failed Testgrid run, a Support Bundle is collected, encrypted and uploaded to a public S3 bucket.

The bundle URL can be obtained from the Testgrid logs output.

The bundle is encrypted with a passphrase using the age file encryption tool.

Run Testgrid locally


   export GOOS=linux
   export GOARCH=amd64

Run Testgrid using Skaffold

  • Connect to the cluster
  • Run the following command from TESTGRID path
make install
  • Setup port-forwards
kubectl port-forward svc/tgapi 30110:3000 &
kubectl port-forward svc/testgrid-web 30881:30881
  • Now you are ready to do your first test.

  • From tgrun folder run the following command

./bin/tgrun queue --os-spec hack/os-spec.yaml --spec hack/test-spec.yaml --ref test-1 --api-token this-is-super-secret --api-endpoint http://localhost:30110
  • From the web service you should be able to see the pending test.

  • Now time to setup your runner by using terraform go indide the ``deploy` folder and follow the steps from the readme file.

Run Testgrid on Okteto

  1. Change directories to the root of the project
  2. Run okteto pipeline deploy
  3. To "queue" a run ./bin/tgrun queue --os-spec hack/os-spec.yaml --spec hack/test-spec.yaml --ref ethan-1 --api-token this-is-super-secret --api-endpoint https://tgapi-${OKTETO_NAMESPACE}