The Python micro framework for building web applications.
PRAW, an acronym for "Python Reddit API Wrapper", is a python package that allows for simple access to Reddit's API.
Skulpt is a Javascript implementation of the Python programming language
Text outlining and task management for Vim based on Emacs' Org-Mode
Django model mixins and utilities.
Python bridge to JSX & the React JavaScript library.
A common base representation of python source code for pylint and other projects
CPython compiled to JS using emscripten
A bot that executes source code in reddit comments
Reddit command-line client. Follow the latest submissions from your terminal.
A Python library to calculate the readability score of a text.
mohland / dogetipbot
Forked from vindimy/altcointipdogetipbot is a Reddit tipbot specifically for dogecoins. This is a fork of vindimy's ALTcointip -- interoperability with other coins may be limited.
FastAPI + ODMantic example
A project to derive the map data for the original NES Legend of Zelda game so that it can be used in hobbyist projects.
/r/thebutton Python client and bluetooth gatttool wrapper. Includes example code for controlling Bluetooth, Philips Hue and Arduino devices
Content analysis of university course descriptions.
A REST API that lets query for which on-campus facilities are currently available. -- Mirrored from
A Piazza bot that executes source code in discussions