An example Laravel application with shopping cart, payment gateway,admin dashboard.
This is just local installation using something like MAMP/WAMP/LAMP or xampp. Of course you are free to use homestead if you like.
- clone the repo
- composer install
- If you have no .env file you can use the example one. Just rename .env.example to .env. Enter your db credentials here.
- php artisan key:generate
- make sure db is running and credentials are setup in config/database.php or in your .env file
- make php artisan migrate
- Use Stripe for payment gatway. Set credential in .env file (STRIPE_KEY, STRIPE_SECRET)
- For the ability to send email in the development environment, we use mailtrap (SET MAILTRAP CREDENTIAL).For the startup we use the following command: php artisan make: mail
- php artisan serve
- visit localhost:8000 in your browser