Each file is an individual and standalone project.
Each File can be compiled and run from terminal/cmd.
To compile run(assuming complier is setup correctly):
$ g++ filename.cpp
This will output an a.out executable file. To run the program use this command:
$ ./a.out
- This Program return the sum of any number of parameters. It uses Variadic Templates and recursion to get the sum of the parameters.
- This program solves and returns the value of x using a quadraric equation upon providing the coefficients of a,b,c. It takes in the coefficients and return the values of x with appropriate imaginary numbers.
- This is a game. Upon running, this program asks the user to input Integer for their moves and prints the current state of the box after each moves in the terminal. It will keep asking for users input till someone wins or it's a draw.
- This program takes in an Integer as an input and returns the number of ones in that Integer.