IBM Cloud Code Engine - Integrate Cloud Object Storage and PostgreSQL through a job and an event subscription
This sample demonstrates how to read CSV files hosted on a IBM Cloud Object Storage and save their contents line by line into relational PostgreSQL database.
Make sure the following IBM Cloud CLI and the following list of plugins are installed
ibmcloud plugin install code-engine
ibmcloud plugin install cloud-object-storage
Install jq
. On MacOS, you can use following brew formulae to do a brew install jq
Login to IBM Cloud via the CLI
ibmcloud login
Target the ca-tor
export REGION=ca-tor
ibmcloud -r $REGION
Create the project:
ibmcloud code-engine project create -n ce-objectstorage-to-sql
Store the project guid:
export CE_ID=$(ibmcloud ce project current -o json | jq -r .guid)
Create the job:
ibmcloud code-engine job create \
--name csv-to-sql \
--source ./ \
--retrylimit 0 \
Create the COS instance:
ibmcloud resource service-instance-create csv-to-sql-cos cloud-object-storage standard global
Store the COS CRN:
export COS_ID=$(ibmcloud resource service-instance csv-to-sql-cos --output json | jq -r '.[0] | .id')
Create an authorization policy to allow the Code Engine project receive events from COS:
ibmcloud iam authorization-policy-create codeengine cloud-object-storage \
"Notifications Manager" \
--source-service-instance-id $CE_ID \
--target-service-instance-id $COS_ID
Create a COS bucket:
ibmcloud cos config crn --crn $COS_ID --force
ibmcloud cos config auth --method IAM
ibmcloud cos config region --region $REGION
ibmcloud cos config endpoint-url --url s3.$
export BUCKET=$CE_ID-csv-to-sql-2
ibmcloud cos bucket-create \
--bucket $BUCKET
Update the job by adding a binding to the COS instance:
ibmcloud code-engine job bind \
--name csv-to-sql \
--service-instance csv-to-sql-cos
Create the subscription for all COS events:
ibmcloud ce sub cos create \
--name coswatch \
--bucket $BUCKET \
--destination csv-to-sql \
--destination-type job
Create a PostgreSQL service instance:
ibmcloud resource service-instance-create csv-to-sql-postgresql databases-for-postgresql standard $REGION -p \
"members_cpu_allocation_count": "0 cores",
"members_disk_allocation_mb": "10240MB",
"members_members_allocation_count": 2,
"members_memory_allocation_mb": "2048MB",
"service-endpoints": "public",
"version": "12"
Update the job by adding a binding to the PostgreSQL instance:
ibmcloud code-engine job bind \
--name csv-to-sql \
--service-instance csv-to-sql-postgresql
Upload a CSV file to COS, to initate an event that leads to a job execution:
ibmcloud cos object-put \
--bucket $BUCKET \
--key users.csv \
--body ./samples/users.csv \
--content-type text/csv
List all jobs to determine the one, that processes the COS bucket update:
ibmcloud code-engine jobrun list \
--job csv-to-sql \
--sort-by age
Inspect the job execution by opening the logs:
ibmcloud code-engine jobrun logs \
--name <jobrun-name>
Or do the two commands in one, using this one-liner:
jobrunname=$(ibmcloud ce jr list -j csv-to-sql -s age -o json | jq -r '.items[0] |') && ibmcloud ce jr logs -n $jobrunname -f