Red Hat Demo Platform Catalog (RHDP) option:
MLOps Demo: Data Science & Edge Practice
MIG demo is currently a WIP for RHDP and likely will NOT work
Error message
error launching instance: You have requested more vCPU capacity than your
current vCPU limit of 64 allows for the instance bucket that the specified
instance type belongs to.
AWS type p4d.24xlarge
is currently only in availability zone us-east-2b
and has 96 vCPU.
If your cluster does not have a machine set in us-east-2b
will probably not be able to request this GPU type.
- Nvidia GPU hardware
- A100
- H100
- A30
Setup MIG single mode.
- Type:
= 8 x GPUs - Profile: 1 GPU and 5GB of memory
- Resource: 1
. scripts/
nvidia_setup_mig_config single all-1g.5gb
Setup MIG profile
. scripts/
# setup MIG single
# ex: 1
nvidia_setup_mig_config single all-1g.5gb
nvidia_setup_mig_config single all-2g.10gb
# setup MIG mixed
# ex: 1
nvidia_setup_mig_config mixed all-balanced
Manually Pick MIG profile
# mode = single / mixed
# mode = mixed
Manually apply MIG partitioning profile(s) - Mixed
# add profile label
oc label node --overwrite \
-l "" \
# remove profile label
oc label node --overwrite \
-l "" \