Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) data from any RHEL system can be directed to OpenShift (OCP) eliminating the need for prometheus at the edge. Metrics are scraped with a Prometheus receiver configured in an OpenTelemetry Collector (OTC) running in a podman container on the edge system. Metrics are pushed with an OTLP exporter to an OTC running in the OCP cluster. From there, a Prometheus DataSource in Grafana can be used to visualize PCP metrics.
The Red Hat Customer Portal documentation was used to deploy PCP. PCP data is visualized with Grafana running in OpenShift. An OpenTelemetry Collector pod running as a podman container enables the collection on the edge device.
Starting PCP in any RHEL system is as easy as dnf install pcp-zeroconf
. From there, consult the documentation to configure as needed.
On the edge device, an OpenTelemetryCollector pod can scrape PCP metrics and push the data to OpenTelemetryCollector running in OpenShift.
To secure traffic from external OpenTelemetry Collector (OTC) to OpenShift OTC, follow the mTLS documentation. This will create a CA and signed certificates for both the server (OpenShift OTC) and client (edge/external OTC). This document also specifies the configmaps to create in the observability namespace that are mounted in OpenShift OTC deployment below.
curl -o otelcol-config.yaml
Substitute for $APPS_DOMAIN
in otelcol-config.yaml to configure the OpenShift OTC endpoint.
mkdir otc # for file-storage extension, if configured
# Note the `certs` directory must exist at $(pwd)/.
sudo podman run --rm -d --name otelcol-host \
--network=host \
--user=0 \
--cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
--tmpfs /tmp --tmpfs /run \
-v /var/log/:/var/log \
-v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro \
-v $(pwd)/certs/server.crt:/conf/server.crt.pem:Z \
-v $(pwd)/certs/server.key:/conf/server.key:Z \
-v $(pwd)/certs/ca.crt:/conf/ca.crt:Z \
-v $(pwd)/otelcol-config.yaml:/etc/otelcol-contrib/config.yaml:Z \
-v $(pwd)/otc:/otc:Z \ --config=file:/etc/otelcol-contrib/config.yaml
To view the prometheus metrics in Grafana, deploy a GrafanaDashboard for Performance Co-Pilot.
Run these commands against the OpenShift hub cluster
If there is already a Grafana instance with a Prometheus Datasource in OpenShift -n observability
, run this command to
create a GrafanaDashboard for PCP:
oc apply -f $(pwd)/grafana-dashboard/pcp-dashboard.yaml
To deploy Grafana with a Prometheus DataSource in OpenShift, follow OpenShift observability hub: Grafana
You should now be able to access Grafana with username: rhel
and password:rhel
from the grafana route.
- Navigate to Dashboards -> to find the PCP Prometheus Host Overview dashboard.
- Navigate to Explore -> to find the Prometheus data source to query metrics from.
Here is a screenshot of PCP Prometheus Host Overview Grafana dashboard