Deploy cert-manager:
oc create namespace cert-manager
oc apply -f
oc apply -f ./test/cert-manager/setup.yaml
Initialize the CA and certificate needed during the tests
oc new-project test-cert-utils
oc apply -f ./test/sample-cert.yaml -n test-cert-utils
Test Routes
oc apply -f ./test/routes.yaml -n test-cert-utils
Test ca-injection
oc apply -f ./test/validatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml
oc apply -f ./test/mutatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml
oc apply -f ./test/crd.yaml
oc apply -f ./test/ca_injection_in_secret_configmap.yaml -n test-cert-utils
oc apply -f ./test/apiservice.yaml
Test truststore/keystore
oc annotate secret test1 --overwrite -n test-cert-utils