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This document describes how Vitess routes queries to healthy tablets. It is meant to be up to date with the current status of the code, and describe possible extensions we're working on.

Current architecture and concepts

Vtgate and SrvKeyspace

Vtgate receives queries from the client. Depending on the API, it has:

  • The shard to execute the query on.
  • The Keyspace Id to use.
  • Enough routing information with the VSchema to figure out the Keyspace Id.

At this point, vtgate has a cache of the SrvKeyspace object for each keyspace, that contains the shard map. Each SrvKeyspace is specific to a cell. Vtgate retrieves the SrvKeyspace for the current cell, and uses it to find out the shard to use.

The SrvKeyspace object contains the following information about a Keyspace, for a given cell:

  • The served_from field: for a given tablet type (master, replica, read-only), another keyspace is used to serve the data. This is used for vertical resharding.
  • The partitions field: for a given tablet type (master, replica, read-only), the list of shards to use. This can change when we perform horizontal resharding.

Both these fields are cell and tablet type specific, as when we reshard (horizontally or vertically), we have the option to migrate serving of any type in any cell forward or backward (with some constraints).

Note that the VSchema query engine uses this information in slightly different ways that the older API, as it needs to know if two queries are on the same shard, for instance.

Tablet health

Each tablet is responsible for figuring out its own status and health. When a tablet is considered for serving, a StreamHealth RPC is sent to the tablet. The tablet in turn returns:

  • Its keyspace, shard and tablet type.
  • If it is serving or not (typically, if the query service is running).
  • Realtime stats about the tablet, including the replication lag.
  • the last time it received a 'TabletExternallyReparented' event (used to break ties during reparents).
  • The tablet alias of this tablet (so the source of the StreamHealth RPC can check it is the right tablet, and not another table that restarted on the same host / port, as can happen in container environments).

That information is updated on a regular basis (every health check interval, and when something changes), and streamed back.

Discovery module

The go/vt/discovery module provides libraries to keep track of the health of a group of tablets.

As an input, it needs the list of tablets to watch. The TopologyWatcher object is responsible for finding the tablets to watch. It can watch:

  • All the tablets in a cell. Uses polling of the tablets/ directory of the topo service in that cell to figure out a list.
  • The tablets for a given cell / keyspace / shard. It polls the ShardReplication object.

Tablets to watch are added / removed from the main list kept by the TabletStatsCache object. It just contains a giant map indexed by cell, keyspace, shard and tablet type of all the tablets it is in contact with.

When a tablet is in the list of tablets to watch, this module maintains a StreamHealth streaming connection to the tablet, as described in the previous section.

This module also provides helper methods to find a tablet to route traffic to. Since it knows the health status of all tablets for a given keyspace / shard / tablet type, and their replication lag, it can provide a good list of tablets.

Vtgate Gateway interface

An important interface inside vtgate is the Gateway interface. It can send queries to a tablet by keyspace, shard, and tablet type.

As mentioned previously, the higher levels inside vtgate can resolve queries to a keyspace, shard and tablet type. The queries are then passed to the Gateway implementation inside vtgate, to route them to the right tablet.

There are two implementations of the Gateway interface:

  • discoveryGateway: It combines a set of TopologyWatchers (described in the discovery section, one per cell) as a source of tablets, a HealthCheck module to watch their health, and a TabletStatsCache to collect all the health information. Based on this data, it can find the best tablet to use.

Extensions, work in progress

Regions, cross-cell targeting

At first, the discoveryGateway was routing queries the following way:

  • For master queries, just find the master tablet, whichever cell it's in, and send the query to it. This was meant to handle cross-cell master fail-over.
  • For non-master queries, just route to the local cell vtgate is in.

This turned out to be a bit limiting, as if no local tablet was available in the cell, the queries would just fail. We added the concept of Region, and if tablets in the same Region are available to serve, they can be used instead. This fix however is not entirely correct, as it uses the SrvKeyspace of the current cell, instead of the SrvKeyspace of the other cell. Both ServedFrom and the shard partition may be different in a different cell.

Percolating the cell back up

We think the correct fix is to percolate the cell back up at the vtgate routing layer. That way when the higher level is asking for the SrvKeyspace object, it can ask for the right one, in the right cell. For instance, we can read the current SrvKeyspace for the current cell, see if it has healthy tablets for the shard(s) we're interested in, and if not find another cell in the same region that has healthy tablets.

In the l2vtgate case though, this is not as easy, as the vtgate process has no idea what tablets are healthy. We propose to solve this by adding a healthcheck between vtgate and l2vtgate:

  • vtgate would maintain a healthcheck connection to the l2vtgate pool (a single connection should be good enough, but we may be more aggressive to collect more up to date information, so we don't depend on a single l2vtgate).
  • l2vtgate will report on a regular basis which keyspace / shard / tablet type it can serve. It would also report the minimum and maximum replication lag (and whatever other pertinent information vtgate needs).
  • l2vtgateGateway can then provide the health information back up inside vtgate.
  • This would also lift the limitation previously noted about l2vtgate going cross-cell. When a master is moved from one cell to another, the l2vtgate in the old cell would advertize back that they lost the ability to serve the master tablet type, and the l2vtgate in the new cell would start advertizing it. Vtgates would then know where to look.

This would also be a good time to merge the vtgate code that uses the VSchema with the code that doesn't for SrvKeyspace access.

Config-based routing

Another possible extension would be to group all routing options for vtgate in a configuration (and possibly distribute that configuration in the topology service). The following parameters now exist in different places:

  • vttablet has a replication delay threshold after which it reports unhealthy, -unhealthy_threshold. Unrelated to vtgate's discovery_high_replication_lag_minimum_serving parameter.
  • vttablet has a -degraded_threshold parameter after which it shows as unhealthy in its status page. No impact on serving. Independent from vtgate's -discovery_low_replication_lag parameter, although if they match the user experience is better.
  • vtgate also has a -min_number_serving_vttablets that is used to not just return one tablet and overwhelm it.

We also now have the capability to route to different Cells in the same Region. Configuring when to use a different cell in corner cases is hard. If there is only one tablet with somewhat high replication lag in the current cell, is it better than up-to-date tablets in other cells?

A possible solution for this would be a configuration file, that lists what to do, in order of preference, something like:

  • use local tablets if more than two with replication lag smaller than 30s.
  • use remote tablets if all local tablets are above 30s lag.
  • use local tablets if lag is lower than 2h, minimum 2.
  • ...