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CSS: cleaner pattern for variable use #488



Here are a couple options for cleaning up our CSS variable patterns. I started to experiment with some of these to see how it felt to override them and author rules around them. I wanted to note this before moving on.

Current issues

  • We redefine the defaults used for variables in more than one place -- we use font-family: var(--readthedocs-font-family, "Lato", ...) in multiple places.
  • We use --addons prefixed variables inconsistently, so the pattern feels unclear but also redundant.
  • We create more variables than necessary, for instance --readthedocs-flyout-dd-font-size.
  • Usage of calc() instead of em rules makes variable values probably more confusing than avoiding em helps. em feels safer in a shadow DOM, so rem doesn't feel as necessary as working in the parent DOM.
  • We haven't decided or dictated what selectors we want users to use to override variables.


Set variable defaults on parent DOM :root

This would be a stylesheet added to document.adoptedStyleSheets:

@layer defaults {
  :root {
    --readthedocs-font-size: 16px;
    --readthedocs-font-family: monospace;
    --readthedocs-flyout-font-size: var(--readthedocs-font-size);

And when we use the variable, we don't need to set a default value now:

:host {
  font-size: var(--readthedocs-flyout-font-size);

And users can override these variables with:

:root {
  --readthedocs-flyout-font-size: 24px;
  • Good: We only define the variable defaults once
  • Good: No intermediate --addons variables
  • Meh: We have to defince the default values outside each addon

Users set defaults on our elements, not :root

Another approach would be to set the variable defaults on each addon Element :host:

/* flyout.css */
:host {
  --readthedocs-flyout-font-size: var(--readthedocs-font-size);
  --readthedocs-flyout-color: red;

.container {
  font-size: var(--readthedocs-flyout-font-size);

This would differ from the approach above in that users would override variables on elements, not on the parent DOM :root:

readthedocs-flyout {
  --readthedocs-flyout-font-size: 24px;

This works because the parent DOM readthedocs-flyout is the same element as the shadow DOM :host. We can't do the above pattern if we instruct users to override variables at :root, this is the reason we have the --addons prefixed variables.

  • Good: Variable defaults are set in each addon and right at the top of the CSS. Super easy to work with.
  • Meh?: Not quite as nice for users as setting the variables at the parent DOM :root, which is also a fairly common pattern
  • Meh?: Some variables can be set at :root while others can't be overridden. If users try to set variables at :root styles will seeming randomly not work.

Standardize local scoped variables

This is what we started to do so far. We set defaults at the addons' CSS file, but use a secondary variable name to give a locally scope variable to the addon (currently these are the --addons prefixed variables).

A couple things we could do to make this pattern better:

  • Rename the local --addons prefix variables so it's less redundant and more clear these are local variables -- --local-flyout-font-size, --flyout-font-size, --local-font-size, etc.
  • Always use this pattern, so that we have a clear place to define/find variables and their defaults.
  • Mix with a pattern above to give global defaults for variables outside addons, like --readthedocs-font-size and --readthedocs-font-family.
:host {
  --local-font-size: var(--readthedocs-flyout-font-size, var(--readthedocs-font-size));
  --local-font-family: var(--readthedocs-flyout-font-family, var(--readthedocs-font-family));

.container {
  font-size: var(--local-font-size);
  • Good: Users can override at :root still
  • Good: Defaults are obvious and mostly easy to maintain
  • Good: Usage of the local variable feels clean
  • Meh: It's confusing to require two levels of defaults for some variables -- var(--readthedocs-flyout-..., var(--readthedocs-..., "and still sometimes a default value too"))


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