- b903dc8: iswebgl2 cache
- 2887287: Reset binding framebuffer when skiping blit.
- 533ee21: Support polygonOffsetFactor and units.
- 1c7791e: Support stencil union, intersection and mask.
- 86536cf: Pass through antialias option when creating webgl context.
- 97429ba: Commit rust bundle.
- c4f1bb3: Copy rust bundle.
- 5cfa31c: Display more granular error message when compiling wgsl with naga.
- d9b7078: Separate sampler and textures correctly.
- 5c86bba: Enable filterable float32 feature in WebGPU.
- 8fde282: WriteTexture should account for bytesPerRow in WebGPU.
- 94fa643: Support drawIndirect in WebGPU.
- 5081681: Configure shaderdebug when creating webgl device contribution.
- d7508c4: Support render bundle to reduce draw calls in both WebGL & WebGPU.
- 868f3ba: Postprocess after shader compilation.
- 9030813: Support stencil value mask.
- 9c0c37d: Binding hash should account for storage buffer & texture bindings.
- 05e33ac: Read texture in webgpu.
- ce8f26d: Support set image data in webgpu.
- c1255e8: Allow heading spaces when compiling to GLSL 440.
- 77b0479: Storage texture binding can be assigned manually.
- 703db62: SamplerBindings can ignore sampler in webgpu compute shader.
- d24939d: Add storage texture binding for webgpu.
- e2e8ffa: Add flipY option in webgpu texture.
- 72ddd05: Use internal format in webgl2 when calling texImage2D.
- 82c8d04: Split Format.ALPHA and LUMINANCE.
- ca5eb24: Space before uniform block can be ignored.
- 38d0b8e: Copy storage bindings correctly.
- f28757e: Support nested render pass in WebGL2.
- d150566: Support multi textures in WebGL2.
- d473bdf: Export wasm pkg.
- aacebe6: Use naga-oil to combine and manipulate WGSL shaders.
- 94a3fda: Compiler should account for space when transpiling shaders.
- ff7fbb5: Create simple program in WebGPU device.
- 12c25d1: Use compatible newline char in shader compiler.
- efa1878: Compile raw GLSL100 shader correctly.
- 42d3a0d: Fix readTexture in WebGL2.
- 8343e43: Floating-point texture in WebGL1.
- fbcb785: Support floating-point texture.
- ae4f84b: Support luminance pixel format.
- c0f1220: Use lowerleft as origin in setViewport & setScissorRect.
- 5d930c0: Support multiple render targets.
- 14f2b4d: Add xrCompatible to device contribution.
- 14f2b4d: Uniform binding can omit size.
- d627fe8: Size in storage bindings can be undefined.
- f948404: Use default mega state in WebGPU device.
- 991faea: Support stencil front & back.
- d74a956: Set default offset of IndexBuffer.
- d7760db: Export rust bundle.
- e521c2a: Use default sampler entry.
- 6891a60: Export compiler utils.
- 59a952f: Rename interface & params to make API closed to WebGPU style.
- 6143192: Generate mipmap for 3D texture.
- 8a03cab: Add naga wasm to dist.
- 8f5c332: Add UMD bundle.
- 40f4045: WebGPU implementation.
- 25e7d22: Add WebGL Implementation.