Implemented changes:
- Added changelog for Maya2Babylon
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed bug where a missing bitmap in the base color texture would cause export to fail. Also fixes an error where colons were used in the output file name (BabylonJS#341)
- Fixed a bug in exporting KHR_lights_punctual to glTF where ambient was still being indexed, causing the resulting glTF to cause errors in loaders (BabylonJS#340)
- Fixed bug where opaque and transparent meshes in Arnold would cause the exporter to fail (BabylonJS#339)
Implemented changes:
- Change scale factor to use scale directly instead of 1/scale
Implemented changes:
- KHR_texture_transform and KHR_lights_punctual are now toggable from the export interface
- KHR_texture_transform is set to required on export
- Copywrite has been removed from the exported glTF file
Implemented changes:
- morph target animations are now included in animation groups when created during export
Fixed bugs:
- Default light node is not exported in glTF Implemented changes:
- Add version number in the exporter window (BabylonJS#424)
Implemented changes:
- Joint indices for glTF are now set to 0 instead of joint count
Fixed bugs:
- Allow animation groups with two key frames of the same value to export
Fixed bugs:
- Disallow animation groups with two key frames of a TRS value to export if they are the default value (origin, no scale, no rotation)
Implemented changes:
- Allow building to Maya 2019
Implemented changes:
- Added @MackeyK24 's support for BabylonMesh LOD (BabylonJS#479)
Implemented Changes
- Added Animation Bake export toggle (BabylonJS#503)
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed build break caused by shared components using 3dsMax implementations (BabylonJS#498)
Implemented Changes
- Maya2Babylon packaging script. (BabylonJS#520)