This solution is the core to the overall QIQO solution. This is where the WCF services are hosted. This depends on the QIQO.Database for data, stored procedures, and such.
This solution can be hosted via the QIQO.ConsoleHost, which is good for development and testing, or the QIQO.WindowsServiceHost, which is the best approach for a production environment.
- QIQO.Business.Bootstrapper - The Unity bootstrapper assembly
- QIQO.Business.Contracts - The interface assembly containing most of the contracts
- QIQO.Business.Engines – The business engines and entity services
- QIQO.Business.Services – The WCF services
- QIQO.CodeLogic.Test – Unit tests
- QIQO.Common.Contracts – Common contracts (interfaces) that can be use outside of this solution if needed
- QIQO.Common.Core – Common code that can be shared with other solutions
- QIQO.Common.Entities – Business entities (POCOs)
- QIQO.ConsoleHost – Console host assembly
- QIQO.Data.Entities – Data entities (DTO POCOs)
- QIQO.Data – The data access layer; data contexts, repositories, mappers
- QIQO.WindowsServiceHost – Windows host assembly