- known peers at share level vs. server level (where to keep conn open?)
- watch files for changes, on start check if file has changed (mod time)
- haves (bitset). implement per peer per file piece (we need to go deeper)
- peer discovery
key generation
encrypt / decrypt message w/ secret ... then session keys
web interface
uTP (cgo?)
name ideas: bitlocker, torrsync, bitsafe, bitpound
see what happens when editing same file in 2 places
basically each file has a .torrent file as defined here http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0003.html + timestamp when they shake, hash each to figure out any differences if != && our stamp < theirs save their meta (0 haves) && request
rambling v2:
step 1: (ping) !known peer request [file, hash]..., [peer]...
step 2: (with meta) for file, hash: !known files || theirs != ours request(file, -1, -1, -1) for peer: !known peer request [file, hash]..., [peer]...
step 3: (with file meta) mfile = SELECT file for piece: mpiece != piece request(piece)
Shake -> <- Shake
RequestMeta ->
RequestMeta -> (can also RequestMeta)
<- PieceMeta
<- PieceMeta
Request ->
Request ->
<- Reply
<- Reply
Have/Cancel ->
Have/Cancel ->
After shake, there doesn't have to particularly be any order on a per file basis, and pieces don't have to come in any order either
RequestMeta is a Request where the parameters for index, begin and length are all set to -1 and will get the full (updated) ".torrent" info for a file
PieceMeta is a Piece in reponse to a RequestMeta where the index and begin are set to -1 and the Piece field will contain the ".torrent" for a given file