Visual C++ in Visual Studio 2017 What's New for Visual C++ in Visual Studio 2017 Visual C++ Tutorial Install C++ support in Visual Studio Create a C++ console app project Build and run a C++ console app project C++ conformance improvements in Visual Studio 2017 Visual C++ Language Conformance Supported Platforms (Visual C++) C Language C++ Language C/C++ Preprocessor C Runtime Library C++ Standard Library Windows Development Linux Development .NET Development with C++/CLI Cloud and Web Programming in Visual C++ Parallel Programming Data Access Text and Strings vcpkg: A Package Manager for C++ IDE and Tools for Visual C++ Compilers and Build Tools Porting and Upgrading Visual C++ Code Security Best Practices for C++ Running as a Member of the Users Group How User Account Control (UAC) Affects Your Application Visual C++ Samples Visual C++ Help and Community How to Report a Problem with the Visual C++ Toolset